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SAML vs. OAuth: What's the Difference?

The main difference between Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Open Authorization (OAuth) lies in their roles: SAML focuses on authentication, while OAuth is dedicated to authorization. Despite their differences, both SAML and OAuth are necessary for improving your organization’s overall security, allowing authorized users to verify their identities and access appropriate resources.

LLM Risks: Chaining Prompt Injection with Excessive Agency

Alongside an explosion in the popularity of large language models (LLMs) across many industries, there has also been an increase in the level of trust granted to these models. Whereas LLMs were once perceived as simple, friendly chatbots that could respond to basic questions or pull useful resources from the web based on user input, many have now been granted the ability to perform actions, anywhere from sending an email to deploying code. This is referred to as agency.

Money 20/20 Marks Major Inflection Point in Stablecoin Utility

This year’s Money 20/20 event brought industry leaders together to discuss the latest in payments and fintech. Many conversations at the event underscored certain key trends that are rapidly shaping the payments landscape. The shift in the types of conversations around stablecoins happening today is undeniable – the question has moved beyond “Why stablecoins?” to “How do we do this today?” Here are three major takeaways from this year’s event.

Introducing Veracode Risk Manager: A New Chapter in ASPM Built for Scale

In a digital world that’s evolving faster than ever, industry landscapes are shifting, and customer needs are becoming more complex. At Veracode, we recognize these fundamental changes in the application security space. That’s why Veracode strategically acquired Longbow Security, now rebranded as Veracode Risk Manager. is a Strong Performer in the Forrester Wave Software Composition Analysis, Q4 2024

It should be no surprise that the world runs on open source software. According to the latest Forrester Wave Software Composition Analysis Q4 2024 report an “astonishing 77% of codebases are comprised of open-source software.” Since a “considerable amount of an application’s risk is due to third-party sources,” software composition analysis (SCA) tools remain the lifeblood for securing modern applications and bringing greater transparency to the software supply chain.

CloudCasa November Feature Updates - Support KubeVirt!

Following our previous release by less than a month, our November feature update (which we are not coincidentally releasing just before KubeCon NA 2024) is dedicated to providing enhanced support for KubeVirt and KubeVirt-based systems such as SUSE Harvester and Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. KubeVirt is a Kubernetes extension that lets users natively run traditional Virtual Machine (VM) workloads alongside container workloads in their Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters.

Fortifying Defenses Against AI-Powered OSINT Cyber Attacks

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) has created new opportunities for risk. It is crucial to understand that this powerful combination is also being weaponized by cybercriminals, presenting unprecedented challenges for organizations worldwide.

Evasive malware has grown by 168% causing direct impact on cybersecurity

With a 168% rise in evasive malware, cyber threats have reached a new level of sophistication. This type of malware employs advanced techniques to evade detection by traditional solutions, which often rely on pre-defined signatures to identify threats. These malicious programs pose a major challenge in cybersecurity by camouflaging themselves within legitimate processes and acting stealthily.

Is the ASX 200 Resilient to Cyber Threats? Our Report Says No.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing cyber risk has become essential for sustaining corporate growth and resilience. Cyber risk management requires balancing corporate growth against the evolving tactics of threat actors and governmental regulations – a daunting task that requires continuous measurement and strategic reflection.