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What's New With Torq: November 2024

As we close out 2024, Torq is rolling out powerful new updates to help security teams start the new year with even greater efficiency and impact. These recent enhancements are designed to streamline operations, boost productivity, and support seamless collaboration. Here’s a look at the latest features set to transform your security operations.

Best practices for monitoring LLM prompt injection attacks to protect sensitive data

As developers increasingly adopt chain-based and agentic LLM application architectures, the threat of critical sensitive data exposures grows. LLMs are often highly privileged within their applications and related infrastructure, with access to critical data and resources, making them an alluring target for exploitation at the client side by attackers. In particular, LLM applications can be compromised to expose sensitive data via prompt injection attacks.

Decentralized Identity 101: How It Works with Government and Private Wallets

Whether it’s logging into social media, making an online purchase, or accessing government services, digital IDs are a popular way to verify a person online across various apps and platforms. However, the challenge arises when you need to manage and secure all your digital IDs, like email addresses, credentials, and personal information. Well, the way digital identities are managed today often involves a centralized system like social media apps and platforms, which can leave individuals vulnerable.

3 time-consuming security functions to automate in 2025

Our most recent State of Trust report found that 55 percent of global businesses think security risks for their organization have never been higher. Naturally, to mitigate an increase in risks in today’s complex threat landscape, businesses invest time and money in building a robust cybersecurity posture. But many security initiatives take a lot of time, money, and manual support to implement and maintain. This is a problem for a few reasons. Security budgets are tight.

Understanding Repo_GPGcheck

Repo_GPGcheck ensures linux verifies the authenticity of software packages downloaded from repositories, reinforcing overall system security and safeguarding against unauthorized software sources. A repository in Linux is a storage location where software packages are managed and organized. When installing or updating software, Redhat based Linux systems pull the required packages from these repositories using the YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) package manager.

Understand How Internet Exposure Impacts Vulnerability Management and Cyber Risk

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, their infrastructure increasingly spans cloud environments, third-party integrations, and remote work setups. This shift enhances efficiency and productivity—but also broadens the digital attack surface, creating new points of exposure to the public internet.

The Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an important security measure because it requires an additional form of authentication before a user can access an account, service or app. Microsoft found that MFA can block over 99.9% of account compromise attacks, making it one of the most important cybersecurity measures you can implement to protect your accounts. Continue reading to learn what MFA is, why it’s important and different ways you can enable MFA on your accounts.

Understanding command injection vulnerabilities in Go

Go developers might need to use system commands for various scenarios, such as image manipulation, where they need to process or resize images or execute system commands to manage resources or gather metrics or logs. At other times, perhaps you are building a new system in Go that needs to interface with existing legacy systems. This interface leans on executing system commands and processing their output.