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A CISO Explains 4 Steps that Make it Easy to Stay Safe Online

To secure our world, Cybersecurity Awareness Month encourages four steps that make it easy to stay safe online. As a CISO, my team and I advocate for these practices constantly within our organization. If you are a security practitioner looking to bolster cybersecurity awareness, here’s a brief look at how we explain these steps to help make staying safe online easier. Before we dive in, making cybersecurity practices relatable and clear is key to the adoption at any organization.

Break Out the Decorations! Cybersecurity Awareness Month is Here

Calendars are great and serve a wide range of purposes. Paper calendars, digital calendars, calendars with Garfield or Peanuts comics, they all have the ability remind us of birthdays, the first day of school, garbage pick-up day and holidays. So, let’s make sure your calendar has October marked down as Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

What Is a Watering Hole Attack?

A watering hole attack is a type of cyberattack in which a threat actor targets an organization by hacking a website often visited by an employee in order to infect the employee’s device with malware. Once the device of one employee is infected, the threat actor targets other members of the organization and steals their confidential information.

What is a Remote Access Trojan (RAT)?

A Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is a type of malware that enables an attacker to gain remote access over an infected system. Once a machine is compromised by a Remote Access Trojan, your system is at high risk of covert surveillance, data exfiltration, and other methods of malicious remote compromise. This article defines what a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is and how you can take action to protect your system with UpGuard BreachSight.

Simplifying Government Data Protection for Kubernetes with CloudCasa

In the realm of government institutions in Brazil, regional electoral courts hold a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. These institutions are mandated to safeguard their essential electoral data through off-site backup solutions. While Kubernetes’ efficiency and flexibility hold great promise for modernizing operations, government data protection challenges have deterred many regional electoral courts from embracing this technology.

How to Choose the Right MSSP: 5 Essential Criteria

In an era where businesses rely heavily on technology and digital infrastructure, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has become paramount. Organizations are constantly under the threat of cyberattacks. To combat the evolving threat landscape effectively, many businesses turn to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for expert assistance. In this blog post, we will present you with five crucial criteria to confidently guide you through the MSSP selection process.

Vulnerabilities in Multi-Factor Authentication and How to Address Them

Multi-factor authentication is an authentication method that asks for two or more authentications from users to get access to a resource or any device. Multi-factor authentication is also known as two-factor authentication, or 2FA. Generally, hackers gain access to a single authentication, such as a password; however, it is quite difficult to break the two-factor authentication.

Tech Talk: Supply Chain Hardware Hacking

This is a Bulletproof Tech Talk article: original research from our penetration testing team covering issues, news, and tech that interests them. It’s more technical and in-depth that our usual blog content, but no less interesting. Some readers may remember an article published by Bloomberg entitled "The Big Hack: How China used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies".

MOVEit Hackers Intercept Data and SSNs from Nuance Communications

Nuance Communications is a Microsoft-owned software solutions provider employing more than 6,500 people. Nuance controls industry-defining AI, which professionals may use to fully automate tasks, such as entering and manipulating medical records. Many of Nuance’s clients are hospitals, clinics, and health centers in the southeast of the US; those who have received medical services in these areas are now at risk following the most recent MOVEit data breach.