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Understanding GDPR Vendor Management and Compliance for your Business

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a framework for data protection that gives strict obligations for organizations within the European Union. For many businesses, understanding and implementing GDPR vendor management is a daunting task. That’s why we are going to break down what GDPR vendor management is, who is involved in it, and what the requirements are.

How to Discover and Secure Open Port Vulnerabilities

Open port vulnerabilities pose a significant security risk to your organization. If left exposed, ports are a gateway for hackers to breach your network and steal your data. But what are open ports, why are they a security risk, and what can you do to close open port vulnerabilities? Let’s answer your open port questions.

Cyber Threat Modelling

Do you model Cyber Threats, depict likely attack scenarios via Attack Trees and provide those findings back in a succinct manner to those responsible for the risk(s)? Surely that’s for the proviso of large companies, with big budgets and oodles of staff? I hear you say… Perhaps, but any organisation large or small can start to model their Cyber Threats. Why?

2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: API10:2023 Unsafe Consumption of APIs

Welcome to the 11th post in our weekly series on the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list, with a particular focus on security practitioners. This post will focus on API10:2023 Unsafe Consumption of APIs. In this series we are taking an in-depth look at each category – the details, the impact and what you can do about it.

How Technology Can Enhance Security and Management in Prisons

In the United States, over 3,000 jails operate in relative obscurity, and they admit roughly 10.3 million individuals each year. It's a hidden population, often overlooked by the public eye. Yet, the impact of these annual jail admissions ripples through lives, families, and communities, causing profound harm and disruption. Amid this complex challenge, technology emerges as a promising force. It promises to transform the landscape of prison management and security, offering innovative solutions to age-old problems.
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Why Every Company Should Include Threat Intelligence in Their Cybersecurity Strategy

In the fast-evolving digital landscape, the prevalence of cyber threats has become a stark reality for businesses and individuals. While essential, conventional cybersecurity measures are often reactive and inadequate against sophisticated attacks. This is where Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) emerges as a proactive and complementary approach to cybersecurity. Utilising CTI helps organisations to protect their systems from potential hazards. It provides a way to cut through the noise and focus on threats relevant to that specific company and industry.
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AI Remediation: A massive time-saver

One of the biggest challenges that application security engineers are facing is the large amount of false positives from security scanners. False positives are results that indicate a vulnerability where there is none, or where the risk is negligible. Triaging these false positives wastes a lot of time.

How to Create Deployments and Services in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool that helps with the deployment and management of containers. Within Kubernetes, a container runs logically in a pod, which can be represented as one instance of a running service. Pods are ephemeral and not self-healing, which makes them fragile. They can go down when an interruption occurs on the server, during a brief network problem, or due to a minimal memory issue—and it can bring down your entire application with it.

5 key features of a password manager designed for MSPs

Password managers have become more than desirable applications for any MSP wishing to offer a secure, efficient and sophisticated service. Not only have they proven to be highly effective, but they also improve the efficiency of companies' internal processes and make life easier for users by providing them with secure login to different systems. According to a study published by Verizon, 80% of data breaches are due to stolen passwords.