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Not Just Us: North Korean Remote IT Fraudster Arrested in Tennessee

Just when we thought we had something special with our very own North Korean hacker, it turns out this type of fraud has made it to the Volunteer State. A recent arrest in Nashville, Tennessee is just another example of this global tactic finding its way into U.S. organizations. Fortunately, the authorities caught up with this one. According to the tech news site Cyberscoop, authorities arrested a 38-year-old man for allegedly getting himself hired by U.S. and British companies under false identities.

Tech Analysis: CrowdStrike's Kernel Access and Security Architecture

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, the need for dynamic security measures is critical. Due to Windows’s current architecture and design, security products running in the platform, particularly those involved in endpoint protection, require kernel access to provide the highest level of visibility, enforcement and tamper-resistance, while meeting the strict performance envelopes demanded by large enterprise clients.

Summer 2024 Product Release: What's New at Astra Security?

Cybersecurity has evolved from a technical challenge to a strategic business imperative. CXOs now grapple with a complex interplay of technological advancements, organizational shifts, and human error, which is only intensified by Generative AI, insider threats, third-party vulnerabilities, and persistent threat exposure.

How to Classify, Protect, and Control Your Data: The Ultimate Guide to Data Classification

In our digital world, data fuels businesses. This power brings huge responsibility. Cyber threats are real and present dangers. One data breach can destroy a company causing money problems and long-lasting harm to its name. These breaches cost a lot – $4.45 million on average in 2023. This shows we need strong protection right away. Data classification forms the base of this protection. When you grasp and use good data classification methods, you can guard your most important asset: your data.

Streamlining Multi-Account Management for Efficiency

In today's digital world, the internet has become a weird place where it is hard to distinguish a legitimate connection from a bot connection. Nowadays, it's common for business experts and even casual web users to juggle multiple accounts across various platforms. There are many ways to utilize the ownership of multiple accounts, but the process also comes with challenges.

Industry-specific criteria in SOC 2+

SOC 2+ reports have become increasingly crucial for organizations aiming to demonstrate their commitment to security and compliance. While the standard SOC 2 framework provides a solid foundation, many industries require additional criteria to address their unique risks and regulatory requirements. This article explores the concept of industry-specific criteria in SOC 2+ reports and how they enhance the value of these assessments for specialized sectors.

The Importance of Due Diligence in Corporate Governance

Due diligence is a critical component of corporate governance, serving as a cornerstone for effective decision-making. It helps organizations mitigate risks and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory standards. Understanding the importance of due diligence can significantly enhance corporate governance practices.

Top reasons stadiums, arenas, and large public venues require DDI solutions for connectivity and coverage

Stadiums, large arenas, racetracks, and other public venues that serve as cultural event hubs often play a vital role in fostering engagements between people from all over the globe. To thrive in today’s competitive global markets, attract major events, secure long-term anchor tenants, and achieve strong attendance figures, merely hosting events is no longer sufficient to motivate consumers to pay high prices for tickets and parking.