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The Karakurt Web: Threat Intel and Blockchain Analysis Reveals Extension of Conti Business Model

Tetra Defense, an Arctic Wolf® company, partnered with Chainalysis to analyze the link between the Karakurt cyber extortion group to both Conti and Diavol ransomware through Tetra’s digital forensics and Chainalysis’ blockchain analytics. As recent leaks have revealed, Conti and Trickbot are complicated operations with sophisticated structures. But, our findings indicate that web is even wider than originally thought, to include additional exfiltration-only operations.

Is it safe to write down your passwords?

Very few people can memorize all of their passwords – especially if they’re using unique ones for each account. Many solve this problem by embracing a password manager like 1Password, while others turn to pen and paper. The latter could be a tiny notebook, a whiteboard on their office wall, or an array of sticky notes attached to their PC monitor.

An unintimidating introduction to the dark arts of C/C++ vulnerabilities

As Synk announces its support of unmanaged dependencies (mostly C/C++ libraries), we thought it would be beneficial to introduce our non-C community to some common, high-risk dangers that lurk in the C world (get it?). Think of this as a “beginners guide” to C and C++ vulnerabilities, how they look, what problems they may cause, and how to fix them.

How SecurityBridge & SECUDE offer additional layer of Data Security for SAP data

For many years, it’s been said that data is the new oil. This means that data rich companies could well be more successful than their competitors. Data and information are like fuel for companies since both are needed for ongoing business transactions and innovation. Companies can only win the race against their competitors if they are not losing this fuel, meaning they must keep data secure at all times and anywhere.

BlueHornet - One APT to Terrorize Them All

One thing that we’ve learned from the Russia-Ukraine conflict is that the cybersecurity and the cyber-warfare world is going to change, if it hasn’t already. While Anonymous, the TI Army of Ukraine, and more hacktivist groups are actively participating in the conflict, a relatively new group brings something new to the table.

We Need a New Risk Management Approach to Secure Critical Infrastructure Against Russian Cyber Threats

A democratized approach to cybersecurity risk management that leverages continuous monitoring and public-private partnerships is overdue, and critical, for today’s cyber threat environment.

Customer Spotlight - Civo

For this customer spotlight we're highlighting Civo, a cloud-native service provider focused on Kubernetes. Bulletproof helps keep Civo's platform secure, giving peace of mind to their customers. In this edition we'll learn about Kubernetes and how it's rapidly becoming the de facto standard for managing cloud infrastructure to support modern applications. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we do business forever.

Cyber Security Tips for the Easter Holidays

The shortage of staff creates an urgency for organizations to have cyber security plans. For example, in 2021, the planned Kaseya ransomware attack happened on the 4th of July. Russian hackers knew there would be a staff shortage in the US. They used the company’s software to infiltrate the victims’ systems, using a zero-day vulnerability. As a result, the attack caused significant financial loss to 50 direct customers, and between 800 and 1,500 businesses down the chain.