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Brace yourself - ISO27001 changes are coming

If you’re not aware already, then be prepared for change, because a new version of ISO27001 was published in October 2022! It’s all very exciting! The last change to the standard was in 2017. The changes made back then were fundamentally cosmetic, with a few minor tweaks to wording. The changes barely caused a ripple and, even today, organisations are still certified to ISO27001:2013, meaning that no fundamental changes to the standard have taken place for around ten years.

A picture speaks a thousand words

Deep within data lies stories that can help businesses of all shapes and sizes see hidden detail – and act on it. Take a US healthcare provider, for example, who came to us with a pressing issue: the greatest cause of its patient dissatisfaction was due to waiting times. When were the longest peaks? Where was the epicenter of the backlog? And once this was known, what targeted processes could be introduced to speed things up?

Automotive Software - ISO 21434 Compliance Simplified

The modern vehicle comes equipped with a variety of software systems. Especially features that connect it to the outside world, such as online updates, fleet management and communication between vehicles, offer attack surface. The security of automotive software is crucial, not only because bug-induced call-backs are costly, but also because the well-being of passengers depends on it.

Kintent's Frank Kyazze Takes On Data Connectors Dallas, Identifies Industry Frustration with Security Audits

Recently, we caught up with Frank Kyazze, Privacy Director here at Kintent, to chat about his experience at the Data Connectors conference in Dallas last month. Frank had the opportunity to serve on the “Protecting Against Cyber Attacks” discussion panel while in attendance. Frank took part in the panel, discussing how now more than ever, it is imperative for organizations to be vigilant against bad actors.

4 Types of Data The FedRAMP Boundary Generates and What it Means For You

The FedRAMP PMO recently announced new rules for how contractors will need to comply with the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Authorization Boundary rules in draft format. This is a big deal because FedRAMP compliance is mandatory for any company that wants to do business with the federal government.

How to achieve FedRAMP Certification?

We previously covered the basics of FedRAMP by simply asking “What is FedRAMP?” This time, we’re going to talk about how you can get approved as a FedRAMP Cloud Service Provider (CSP). We’ll talk about some of the advantages of being FedRAMP authorized. We’ll also discuss FedRAMP compliance versus certification to understand the difference. Additionally, we will define terms you will need to know during your FedRAMP journey.

How to Become FedRAMP Certified

We previously covered the basics of FedRAMP by simply asking “What is FedRAMP?” This time, we’re going to talk about how to become FedRamp Certified Cloud Service Provider (CSP). We’ll talk about some of the advantages of being FedRAMP authorized. We’ll also discuss FedRAMP compliance versus certification to understand the difference. Additionally, we will define terms you will need to know during your FedRAMP journey.

What Is the SHIELD Act And How Do You Achieve Compliance?

On the internet, we’re all Hansel and Gretel. But the trail of breadcrumbs we leave behind when searching, posting on social media or shopping online aren’t designed to help us find our way back home. Instead, they’re designed to help the companies we interact with provide a richer, more customized and useful online experience.

What is PCI Compliance?

In today’s fast-moving and competitive marketplace, you can barely find any businesses and merchants that still haven’t adopted the use of credit cards for their services. More than a third of American cardholders use credit cards for their transactions on a monthly basis. With the rising prevalence of identity theft, over 1.1 billion personal records were exposed by data breaches and credit card fraud alone.

3 Steps To Remain PCI Compliant with your AWS Configuration

Becoming and staying PCI compliant both take a lot of work. Developers are often already swamped with an endless list of tasks, and adding PCI compliance can be overwhelming. Security awareness is one thing, but a set of requirements is entirely different. It means you have less freedom in how you wish to implement security in your application, and you must understand the requirements demanded by your organization.