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Compliance is a great starting point for security; it's not the final destination

Compliance is a fundamental baseline for many organizations but doesn’t guarantee security. While there is some overlap, today’s security leaders must recognize the need to go beyond what compliance frameworks call for to achieve an extra layer of protection and peace of mind against potentially devastating breaches. Compliance may set the foundation, but it should never be viewed as providing total protection or proof of a robust security posture.

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The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

As a CIO, you're likely familiar with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). But what do you know about it? PCI DSS is a set of requirements designed to protect credit and debit card data. It applies to anyone who processes, stores, or transmits payment card information.

Top 20 Worst HIPAA Violation Cases in History

Over the years, there have been countless cases of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) violations, which can result in significant financial penalties. Most are directly linked not to accidental employee misconduct or malicious intent but to a lack of understanding of HIPAA standards by healthcare organizations. Most cases involve poor implementation of security controls or lack of risk assessment auditing, to save money and avoid costly auditing.

Vanta is the #1 Leader in G2's Winter 2023 Grid Reports for Security Compliance

We are excited to share that Vanta has been named the #1 Leader in G2’s Winter 2023 Grid® Report for Security Compliance. We’ve also been recognized as the #1 Leader in G2’s Cloud Compliance category for the sixth consecutive season, and retained leadership in Vendor Management, Vendor Security and Privacy Assessment, Cloud Security, and IT Asset Management for multiple seasons. Vanta is the leader in a total of 19 G2 categories. ‍ ‍

GDPR Compliance for Email Marketing and Cold-Callings

Cold calling and emailing have always been popular and effective techniques of sales and communication with prospective clients. It is a way how brands can reach out to potential clients who may not be aware of your service or product offerings. It is a technique of creating brand awareness and lead generation. However, many customers see these activities as spamming.

How does VPN Security help in Data Security & Privacy?

Today in a technology-driven business world, network security is an utmost priority for all businesses, especially for those dealing with sensitive data. More so, in an organization that works in a hybrid environment wherein information and critical data are accessed remotely, the need for securing such data and network is important. This has led to a paradigm shift in the approach of establishing a robust security program and security implementations within the organization.

So You Want to Achieve NERC CIP-013-1 Compliance...

As the world is preparing for the winter of 2022, energy efficiency and availability becomes a major concern for all countries and governments. The electric grid is a vital sector, and any malfunctions will create ripple effects on any nation’s economy. As the grid is heavily dependent on cyber-enabled technologies and a vast chain of suppliers, contractors and partners, the ability to safeguard the availability and reliability of the grid is crucial.

Join Us in Making History: Free SOC 2 Readiness for Startups

Compliance software platforms have been around since 2016. These solutions may vary in focus, but typically, they share the same few traits. They tend to prioritize speed over quality, hide their pricing structures, and don’t allow prospects to try out the product until they’ve officially run through a demo and signed a contract.