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New in Vanta | November 2022

‍ ‍ We're thrilled to announce our enhanced Access Reviews solution. Access Reviews is a robust, automated offering that aligns to the main stages of an access review. It makes it easy to perform reviews on a proactive, continuous basis; not just point-in-time reviews for compliance purposes. The result is faster, more accurate reviews that lead to streamlined audits, lower labor costs, and a stronger security posture. Access Reviews is now available for purchase.

ISO 27002 puts Threat Intelligence center stage

The updated ISO 27002 adds 11 new controls spanning a range of security services, including the addition of threat intelligence control 5.7. The ISO 27000 series is an industry standard that has long defined and dictated base-level requirements for organizations’ information security management systems (ISMS). Through more than a dozen standards, the framework helps organizations demonstrate management commitment to their ISMS as they regularly review and improve their systems and procedures.

"A data viz expert is like a language translator."

Timerie Bahler is no stranger to digging deep into the data of organizations – from telecommunications to trucking and finance companies. Many different industries, with many different challenges. What they all have in common is that somewhere in the data there’s always something new to discover that has the power to enhance operations and bottom lines. And that keeps Timerie motivated, professionally, as she turns ostensibly hidden information into actionable insight.

Why Threat Intelligence Matters To Your Organization?

Technological advancements have revolutionized the world’s cultural and economic institutions in almost every aspect. Unfortunately, they have also brought risks in the form of cyber threats. While there are various ways to mitigate such threats, paying importance to threat intelligence can make a difference to your organization.

How to Extend Your Digital Transformation Efforts to Your GRC Program

Digital transformation is no longer a new concept – various business functions have already embraced cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of the curve. From IT, sales, and marketing to customer support and even finance, it is evident that most departments understand how integral the transformation is to gain a competitive advantage and continue to win customers. However, when it comes to Governance, Risk management, and Compliance (GRC), most are still stuck with archaic, ad-hoc processes.

How to Become HIPAA Compliant in 2022 (Includes Checklist)

HIPAA compliance is regulated by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and enforced by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). In 2013, the final Omnibus rule was enacted, binding business associates - or third-party vendors - to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This modification added another level of compliance complexity to an industry not accustomed to operating in the cybersecurity domain - the healthcare industry.

Mobile device management 101: Why it matters and how to deploy

To build a strong security and compliance foundation, organizations need to be able to view, manage, and secure devices, such as laptops and desktops. If you’re new to security and compliance, you may be wondering how to tackle this problem—especially at scale. ‍ With effective mobile device management (MDM) software, your company can manage and secure employee devices used to access company systems and applications. ‍

Tips for Developing Your Ransomware Strategy

Ransomware attacks continue to make headlines and cause havoc on organizations on an international scale. Unfortunately, we should expect that ransomware attacks will persist as one of the primary threats to organizations. Ransomware attacks have grown 350% in recent years, and while the best strategy is to prevent attacks from happening in the first place, there is no guarantee your data won’t be compromised.

The Current State of Cybersecurity Compliance

The trends shaping the industry, and the challenges impacting implementation Meeting compliance requirements is essential to building a successful and trustworthy security program. However, it’s an area of cybersecurity too often overlooked, as it’s hardly the most glamorous field in the industry.