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Six Key Drivers for ISO 27001 Certification

‍ Data from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) shows that ISO 27001 certification is one of the most rapidly-growing standards, with nearly 59,000 valid certificates in place as of December 2022. As a compliance framework that is based upon the core cybersecurity principles of people, processes and technology, ISO 27001 compliance provides your organization with significant benefits. So, you need to take action now.

New regulation from the SEC to require companies to report how cyber risk could affect them financially

Against the backdrop of the growing frequency and severity of cyber attacks against enterprises, proposed new regulations from The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are set to require publicly traded companies in the U.S. to analyze how cyber risk could affect financial statements. ‍

A Complete Guide to Cybersecurity Compliance

Cybersecurity has become a top priority for organizations across all industries and sizes. To safeguard their sensitive data and assets from the ever-evolving threats of cyberattacks and data breaches, businesses must take a proactive approach. Adherence to industry-specific cybersecurity regulations and frameworks is a critical component in building a robust and comprehensive cybersecurity program.

Cut Costs, Not Corners: Risk Management Today

In today’s business landscape, managing risk has become an increasingly critical concern. The “usual” risks (such as data breaches) paired with the completely unforeseen ones (like the collapse of SVB) have made companies more cautious with their next steps. With tighter budgets and limited resources, it can be quite challenging for CISOs and CTOs to effectively manage risk while ensuring business continuity.

Risks of credit and debit card Fraud: Why PCI DSS is Essential?

The Advancement in technology and online payment transaction has offered an immense amount of convenience to both consumers and businesses. The ease and widespread acceptance of online payment including the credit/debit card transaction has streamlined business processes and payment transactions greatly.

Everything to Know About ISO 27001 Internal Audits

When a restaurant expects an inspection from the Health Department, management takes a number of steps to prepare. The team needs to understand what the inspector will look for and take proactive measures to address any obvious concerns. This involves cleaning, scrubbing, and being on best behavior. Conducting an ISO 27001 internal audit is like preparing for a health department inspection. An internal audit analyzes an organization’s information security management to find vulnerabilities.

Financial Institutions and Cybersecurity Risk: Why you need ISO27001

When it comes to law enforcement crime investigations, there is a maxim of, “follow the money”. This broadly means that if you can follow the money trail, it will eventually lead you to the perpetrator of the crime. In today’s modern society, money has now become a series of binary ones and zeros that are transferred between bank accounts without any real effort on either party, and cybercriminals are fully aware of how easy, and fragile, this process is.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Explained: Meaning, Benefits, Challenges & Implementation

Enterprises these days are facing a triple threat: stiffer government policies, volatile cyberspace and an extra-competitive economy. And without a well-planned strategy, it will be hard to survive all these and hit high-performance goals. Hence the need for an effective GRC strategy. Since its invention in 2003, GRC as a strategy for achieving organizational goals amidst uncertainty and with integrity, has stayed true to its primary purpose. Despite the increasing turbulence in the economy.

Trust Assurance: The Movement that's Making GRC Believable Again

In business, we measure everything. Like the saying goes, “What gets measured gets done,” and most companies pay close attention to KPIs like qualified leads, new pipeline, net customer retention and fraction of roadmap completed on time. But if you were asked, “Are you meeting all your trust obligations with your employees, customers, board members, and the government?”, how would you answer?