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What Is MAS TRM?

All financial institutions operating in Singapore are required to comply with the MAS TRM guidelines in order to operate legally. In order to ensure the safety of their operations, customers, as well as the wider financial system, financial institutions are required to conduct regular risk assessments and implement appropriate risk management measures.

Most Common HECVAT Violations (And How to Avoid Them)

The HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit) was developed by the Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC) as an initiative to help higher education institutions better protect their data, prevent the risk of data breaches, and measure the cyber risk of third-party solution providers.

How should PHI be de-identified in accordance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule?

HIPAA Security Rules and Privacy Rules were established to secure the Protected Health Information (PHI) data of patients that healthcare organizations collect, process, and/or transmit. The regulation has identified 18 HIPAA Identifiers that are considered as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which is a part of the PHI data.

RFP Software vs. Security Questionnaire Automation

RFPs and security questionnaires make the world of sales and procurement go round. They’re both vital tools to help buyers assess potential relationships with vendors and ensure proper criteria are met before entering into any binding contracts. And while they serve an important role in the sales process, the burden they put on buyers and vendors alike has led to the creation of tools to streamline the process for all involved. Can you use a one-size-fits-all solution?

How Automated Identity Management Can Help Solve the Compliance Puzzle

Have you ever received a puzzle as a gift from a well-intentioned friend? They likely thought something along the lines of, “Hey, this person’s into solving problems — I bet they’d love putting together this bad boy on a rainy day.” The sentiment was spot-on. Puzzles are your thing.

3 Ways Visualization Improves Cloud Asset Management and Security

Public cloud services and cloud assets are agile and dynamic environments. Close oversight of these assets is a critical component of your asset management and security practices. While it’s important to understand the relationships and potential vulnerabilities of your cloud assets, the practice of managing these systems is complicated by the ever-changing nature of cloud environments.

What Is CCPA Compliance?

Today, privacy is an issue that has become more relevant than ever to individuals and businesses alike. As a result, many users are taking steps to protect their data. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a law that was enacted in order to provide greater protection and control over the personal information of California residents.

BOD 23-01 April 3, 2023, Deadline for Federal Agencies: Are You Ready?

On October 3, 2022 the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued Binding Operational Directive 23-01 – Improving Asset Visibility and Vulnerability Detection on Federal Networks, a compulsory order intended to “make measurable progress toward enhancing visibility into agency assets and associated vulnerabilities.” BOD 23-01 mandates that Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FEEB) agencies complete a series of required actions within six months, or by April 3, 2023.