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What Does it Cost to Get ISO 27001 Certified? A Full Breakdown

Businesses looking for serious compliance street cred often turn first to ISO 27001. ISO 27001 is a globally recognized framework that outlines and defines information security management system (ISMS) requirements. Because being ISO 27001 certified demonstrates an organization meets best practices for information security, ISO certification can give businesses a significant competitive advantage. If you’re weighing ISO 27001 vs.

How Tines achieved SOC 2 compliance in record time, saving 250+ human hours

Achieving any kind of compliance can be grueling. Ensuring your organization is SOC 2 compliant is often a particularly laborious endeavor, requiring extensive resources to obtain and maintain. SOC 2 is a comprehensive cybersecurity compliance framework developed by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). It helps guarantee third-party service providers handle customer data with appropriate security measures.

How to Comply with Australia's CIRMP Rules

The Australian Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC) recently announced that the Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Program (CIRMP) obligation had entered into effect. The Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon Clare O’Neil, signed the CIRMP Rules as the final part (Section 61) of the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act) on 17 February 2023, effective immediately.

Why Cybersecurity Training and Courses Should Be Mandatory in Healthcare Education?

Earlier, even prior to the digitalization of healthcare records, it was still easier to keep the information secure and private. Records were in the physical form and could be protected in many ways. Now that people can pull up their entire health histories with the press of a few buttons, things are very different. With the information now being stored and processed online, the threat and risk exposures are equally high. So, to address such threats the U.S.

Five key data privacy trends for 2023

With growing volumes of personal data being collected, analyzed, shared and stored, there is more expectation than ever on businesses to ensure privacy for their employees, clients and wider supply chain. The digital age has streamlined ways of working, improved the targeting and personalization of services and communications and made detailed information available at the touch of a screen. But personal data is exactly that – personal.

Audit Log: Feature Guide for Security and Compliance

In computing, an audit log is a record of an event. An event is any significant action that impacts the hardware or software of a computer – anything from a mouse click to a program error. Besides documenting which resources were accessed and what for, an audit file system will also include the source and destination addresses, the timestamp, and the user ID information.

Introducing Custom Frameworks to the Vanta Platform

As organizations grow in size and complexity, so do their security and compliance needs. While Vanta's library of controls and supported frameworks are extensive, eventually, you may wish to use your internal expertise to build a framework Vanta doesn't support or create custom controls. ‍ Today we are excited to introduce custom frameworks and enhancements to custom controls to help you improve your workflows, organize your security commitments, and manage your work at scale. ‍

The Differences Between SOC 2 vs. ISO 27001

SOC 2 and ISO 27001 are compliance frameworks commonly required of organizations that house data or store sensitive information. Both standards focus on information security management, but they have some key differences in their approach and scope. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between SOC 2 and ISO 27001, and see if one or both are right for your organization.

Meet Mick England: The DPO that Led Robin's SOC 2 & ISO 27001 Compliance

Out of his 29 years of cloud and security experience, Mick has been with Robin for 6, leading their internal compliance operations and making sure that their customers’ data is secure. Robin needed to get SOC 2. They also wanted a way to answer security questionnaires faster. Continue on to see how Mick was able accomplish both.