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A new way to proactively manage third-party risk: Vendor Risk Management

Businesses are using more SaaS applications than ever, with an average of 110 apps per organization. This proliferation of third-party applications means increasingly more customer and employee data is handled by external vendors. ‍ Ensuring your third-party vendors are secure by tracking risk, conducting reviews, and responding to issues is a security best practice and compliance requirement. Unfortunately, this process is often a manual — and expensive — one.

From reactive to proactive: Leveraging vCISO solutions to elevate managed security services

The cybersecurity landscape is becoming increasingly complex and challenging for businesses of all sizes. As an MSP, you're well aware of the growing demand for comprehensive security and compliance solutions. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can help your clients navigate this complex landscape while unlocking new revenue streams for your business.

Datadog achieves ISO 27701 Processor certification for customer data privacy

With the establishment of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the expanding international landscape of data protection laws, organizations today face complex requirements and heightened scrutiny when it comes to data privacy. In addition, public awareness of data exploitation and digital surveillance is growing, and individuals are more concerned than ever about data privacy.

Risk Management: Addressing Shortcomings and Paving the Way Forward

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, managing risk is crucial for the success and longevity of any organization. From financial risks to operational risks and cyber threats, businesses face a range of challenges that require a robust and secure risk strategy. With the complexities of modern business, risk management can no longer be put on the back burner, and companies will need to keep up with the latest practices and solutions to stay afloat.

What is a trust management platform?

When you start pursuing compliance for a particular security standard, you do it with a specific goal in mind. Maybe you’re pursuing compliance because it’s a legal requirement in your industry or because a prospective customer requires it. ‍ But what happens after you achieve that initial SOC 2 or ISO 27001? It’s easy to get caught up in checking the boxes and lose sight of the why behind your security and compliance work. ‍

We're one step closer to knowing how to comply with EO 14028

CISA’s draft self-attestation form, published today, is a step in the right direction in demystifying EO 14028 compliance. It’s finally happened. For everyone who has been trying to figure out how to comply with President Biden’s Executive Order on Cybersecurity (EO 14028), you now have the answer—sort of.

A Comprehensive Guide for the SOC-2 Audit Checklist

The SOC 2 framework helps you identify potential risks to your business and mitigate them with approved controls. To pass a SOC 2 audit, you must first define your audit objectives, determine your audit scope, and undergo a number of preparation steps and assessments. While these steps can be time-consuming, expensive, and arduous, achieving SOC 2 compliance can have huge business benefits for organizations, from improved compliance risk management to more sales opportunities.