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Cyberattacks and Their Impact on the Company

A recent study reveals that cybercrime costs the world economy more than $1 trillion, a more than 50 percent increase from 2018. Damage to companies also includes downtime, brand reputation, and reduced efficiency. Besides installing anti-malware software to protect against cyberattacks, however, there is other security software to consider. One option is a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solution.

Why Are Ransomware Attacks Against OT Increasing?

Most discussions around cybersecurity understandably focus on information technology (IT). Assets like cloud services and data centers are typically what companies spend the most time and effort securing. Recently, though, operational technology (OT) has come under increasing scrutiny from leading security experts in both the private and public sectors. In June, for instance, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a fact sheet about ransomware attacks on OT.

Crime-as-a-service: How anyone can become a hacker

The internet is an incredible tool for education. Unfortunately, not everyone uses it to better themselves or the world around them. There are plenty of opportunities to learn how to defraud, damage, and steal from organizations – so many in fact, that this open source of hacking knowledge is a new technology service industry in its own right: crime-as-a-service.

What is Doxing? How to protect yourself from internet humiliation.

Doxing is the act of publishing private or identifying information about an individual or organization on the internet. Doxing is short for Dropping Dox (documents), and it only has negative connotations. The intention of doxers is to harass victims by revealing information that's either incriminating, defamatory or just immensely embarrassing. Doxing is sometimes spelled as Doxxing.

Ransom Attacks & Supply Chains :The Soft Underbelly of Secure Enterprise Systems

The Veriato podcast guest for this month is Michael Owens, the Business Information Security Officer at Equifax and an all around rockstar when it comes to cybersecurity. He joins Dr. Christine Izuakor to discuss how supply chains are like the "soft underbelly" to gain access to otherwise secure enterprise systems.

What is HECVAT and Why is it Important?

Higher education has increasingly been attracting the attention of cybercriminals. In March, the FBI released an advisory in response to a barrage of ransomware attacks on schools, and Inside Higher Education recently reported that colleges and universities are becoming favorite victims of bad actors. It's not just colleges themselves that are being targeted; their vendors and third parties are being attacked in the hopes of compromising an institution’s data.

PetitPotam - NTLM Relay Attack

Recently published by Lionel Gilles, an offensive security researcher based in France, 'PetitPotam' is a proof-of-concept (PoC) tool used for NT LAN Manager (NTLM) relay attacks that, when executed properly, grants threat actors the ability to take over a Windows Active Directory (AD) domain, including domain controllers (DC), where Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) are used. Similar to classic in-the-middle (ITM) or replay attacks, PetitPotam applies similar concepts to its relay attack.

Five worthy reads: The never-ending love story between cyberattacks and healthcare

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn about the legacy between the healthcare industry and cyberattacks, the vulnerable points in the healthcare system, and how risks can be mitigated. Did you know that for 10th year in a row, the healthcare industry has seen the highest impact from cyberattacks of any industry?

Kubernetes security issues: An examination of major attacks

In a never-ending game of cat and mouse, threat actors are exploiting, controlling and maintaining persistent access in compromised cloud infrastructure. While cloud practitioners are armed with best-in-class knowledge, support, and security practices, it is statistically impossible to have a common security posture for all cloud instances worldwide. Attackers know this, and use it to their advantage. By applying evolved tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), attackers are exploiting edge cases.

Report Shows AEC Firms Face Greater Risk of Ransomware

The AEC industry is very familiar with good risk management. Whether it is managing safety risk, financial risk, legal risk, or project risk, AEC firms are adept at identifying, prioritizing and mitigating risk. Today, the risk of ransomware seems high, with a steady stream of news stories about the latest company to fall victim to an attack. But is it high for everyone in every industry?