Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2024

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning on Cloud Data Protection

The momentous rise of AI continues, and more and more customers are demanding concrete results from these early implementations. The time has come for tech companies to prove what AI can do beyond adding conversational chat agents to website sidebars. Fortunately, it’s easy to see how cloud data protection has already benefited from advancements in AI and ML. Headline-grabbing large-language models are also making protecting data in the cloud easier to manage across organizations. ‍

Understanding Data Exfiltration Prevention

In an economy where securing data can mean the difference between success and failure, implementing proven data exfiltration prevention strategies is more critical than ever. According to a study conducted by IBM, a data breach can cost global organizations an average of nearly $5 million per incident. In addition to the financial ramifications, data theft can lead to lower customer trust, a loss of future revenue, and even potential lawsuits.

Windows Downdate Attacks, Quick Share Vulnerability Exploit, and More: Hacker's Playbook Threat Coverage Round-up: August 2024

In this version of the Hacker’s Playbook Threat Coverage round-up, we are highlighting attack coverage for several new threats, including those discovered via original research by the SafeBreach Labs team. SafeBreach customers can select and run these attacks and more from the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook to ensure coverage against these advanced threats. Additional details about the threats and our coverage can be seen below.

How Do I Know if I Have Spyware?

You can tell if you have spyware on your device by looking for signs such as your device’s battery draining quickly, overheating, increased pop-ups or data usage and unfamiliar apps. Spyware is a kind of malware that, once unknowingly installed on your device, allows cybercriminals to spy on you and steal your private information. This information could be used by cybercriminals or sold on the dark web to commit fraud or identity theft.

Snyk Code, the only security tool chosen by developers in Stack Overflow's 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey

Snyk Code was the only code security tool shortlisted by developers as an AI tool they’ve been regularly using this past year or are looking forward to using next year in Stack Overflow’s recent 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey. This underlines Snyk’s dominance as the favorite AI security tool of both developers and security teams and confirms that Snyk Code is providing immense value to developers.

The EU AI Act: A roadmap for trustworthy AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various sectors, ensuring it is developed and deployed in alignment with ethical standards and fundamental rights is critical for businesses that use it. The European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), formally adopted on March 13, 2024, addresses this critical necessity by establishing a comprehensive and detailed legal framework for AI systems within the EU.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Preparing for the PCI DSS 11.6 Requirement

In part one of our series on PCI DSS 4.0, we covered the updates in the latest version 4.0.1 and how to operationalize those changes. In this blog we are going to dig deeper into Requirement 11.6, how to interpret the nuance and automate the current guidance. Guidance that will become a mandate in March, 2025. Let’s start with what Requirement 11.6 is and why it’s so important.

A deep dive into investigating a complex denial-of-service attack

On April 19, 2024, Datadog’s US5 website ( started experiencing elevated error rates, though they were low enough that most of our users didn’t notice them. For the next few days, we worked around the clock responding to multiple episodes of this mysterious attack, which gradually unfolded as we investigated. We also implemented several measures to reduce the impact on our customers.

Enhanced Data Security and Regulatory Compliance With AWS Cloud + Protegrity

Protegrity is proud to partner with AWS, offering businesses like yours the integrations you need to start protecting data at the field level. With precision data protection through Protegrity and AWS, companies can start meeting regulatory compliance standards outlined with PCI DSS, GDPR, Nacha, or other compliance requirements. With regulatory compliance standards met, businesses can unlock opportunities in improved cloud migration, AI, advanced analytics, reputation management, and more. See how Protegrity’s data protection and partnership with AWS can take your organization to the next level.