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February 2024

Introduction to Cloud Risk Management for Enterprises

Every business needs to manage risks. If not, they won’t be around for long. The same is true in cloud computing. As more companies move their resources to the cloud, they must ensure efficient risk management to achieve resilience, availability, and integrity. Yes, moving to the cloud offers more advantages than on-premise environments. But, enterprises must remain meticulous because they have too much to lose.

How to Install and Configure HAProxy on RHEL 9

Short for High Availability Proxy, HAProxy is an open source and high-performance HTTP load balancer and proxying solution. It enhances website and application performance by distributing workloads across multiple backend web servers. This results in reduced response times, increased throughput, and high availability. Although HAProxy is free and open source, there is also a commercial option called HAProxy Enterprise.

Defending Healthcare Databases: Strategies to Safeguard Critical Information

The healthcare sector continues to be a primary target for threat actors, with 2023 seeing a record number of data breaches and compromised records. While successful attacks are inevitable, it’s incumbent upon healthcare organizations to limit their exposure, and minimize the likelihood of cyberattacks.

Microsoft Azure Administrator: AZ-104 : Configure Azure Management groups - Part 19

A fundamental management construct in Microsoft Azure is the Management group. It is important to understand these both for the exam and for effective Azure management. Let’s look closer at Azure Management groups and how these are configured.

Azure Storage Actions - Creating a Storage Task

Azure Storage Actions is a serverless framework that you can use to perform common data operations on millions of objects across multiple storage accounts. Currently, Azure Storage Action service is available in the preview stage in Azure portal. The preview release of Azure Storage Actions represents a significant advancement in cloud storage management and automation within Microsoft’s Azure platform.

Beginners' Guide for Microsoft Hyper-V: How to Troubleshoot Hyper-V VM with No IP address - Part 60

Hyper-V has powerful networking capabilities, allowing virtual machines to communicate with virtual and physical networks. While Hyper-V networking is reliable and contains many features, admins may encounter issues with virtual machines, such as a missing IP address. Let’s look at Hyper-V VM with no IP address for beginners and see how we can troubleshoot it.

Harden Cipher Suites for Robust TLS/SSL Encryption

Cipher suites are a set of cryptographic algorithms utilized by the schannel SSP implementation of TLS/SSL protocols. These algorithms are employed to generate keys and encrypt data. Each cipher suite designates specific algorithms for the following functions: In TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, the NSA suggests using cryptographic settings that meet the standards in CNSSP 15, known as Commercial National Security Algorithms.

TPRM Strategies for India's Digital Personal Data Protection Act

India established a framework for protecting and processing personal data called the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill. After passing both houses of Parliament, this bill evolved into the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP) in 2023. This act creates a robust and comprehensive framework to protect sensitive information while supporting India's economic growth and digital transformation.

All You Need to Know About Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) - Why Your Organization Needs It

Imagine accessing a giant repository of knowledge, extracting the most relevant information in response to your specific needs, and then using that information to generate intelligent, factual responses - that's the power of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). This innovative technology is taking the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by storm, and for good reason. Let's delve into what RAG is, why it counts, and how it can transform your organization.

Cloud Unfiltered with Chris Aniszczyk - History of CNCF, Linux FDN, KubeCon & the Future - Episode 3

In this episode, Chris Aniszczyk, CTO of Linux Foundation/CNCF sits down with host, Michael Chenetz to discuss the history of the CNCF (Cloud Native Compute Foundation) and where it is going. Additionally, Chris discusses what he expects the trends to be for the next KubeCon in Paris.

Why Organizations Need Automated Password Rotation

Password rotation has become less necessary for personal accounts if they are protected with strong and unique passwords and MFA. Organizations do need to implement password rotation to protect privileged accounts; however, manually rotating passwords can lead to security risks such as compromised passwords. Organizations need automated password rotation to protect privileged accounts from becoming compromised by weak or compromised passwords.