Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Easy and Affordable Marketing for MSPs

Sales and marketing are common challenges for MSPs. In fact, 24% of MSPs say acquiring new clients is their number one problem. 29% say it’s competition. As an MSP, getting your name out there and differentiating yourself is a constant challenge. Most MSPs start out with word-of-mouth marketing, which works great — until it doesn’t. Referral-based marketing is limited in scope. Before long, you’ll find yourself faced with diminishing returns. So, what’s next?

Tips to optimize and secure Azure Functions

Organizations whose IT infrastructure relies heavily on Microsoft will often adopt Azure Functions as part of their cloud modernization strategy. Azure Functions is an on-demand serverless solution that enables you to build and deploy event-driven code without worrying about provisioning and managing infrastructure. Azure Functions offers simplified development and deployment, automatic scaling, and seamless integration with other Azure services all within a cost-efficient pay-for-what-you-use model.

Why identities are the new perimeter in the cloud

In the ever-expanding world of cloud computing, one thing has become glaringly clear: identities are no longer just user profiles—they are the keys to the kingdom. As businesses race to harness the power of the cloud, they must also confront a growing menace: the risk posed by poorly managed identities. Imagine leaving your front door unlocked in a neighborhood known for break-ins — that’s what weak identity management is like in the cloud.

The Invisible Shield: Exploring the Silent Guardians of IoT Security

Effectively acting as an invisible shield, the inner workings of IoT security are often taken for granted. However, we can focus and shine a light on the protocols and practices that provide the foundation of IoT security to help others see how these efficiently operate behind the scenes to protect complex networks of interconnected devices.

Mastering API Compliance in a Regulated World

As we continue our Summer School blog series, let's focus on a vital aspect of modern application security: the relationship between API posture governance, API security, and the constantly changing regulatory compliance landscape. In today's interconnected world, where APIs are crucial for digital interactions, organizations are challenged with securing their APIs while complying with complex regulations designed to protect sensitive data and critical infrastructure.

Graylog API Security Content Pack: Changing the Game!

APIs form the backbone of modern digital systems, enabling seamless data exchange and integration. However, their critical role also makes them attractive targets for cyber threats. Traditional security measures often fail to address API-specific challenges effectively. Graylog API Security Content Pack emerges as a game-changer, reimagining API defense through innovative threat detection and response approaches.