Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


PII vs PHI vs PCI: What is The Difference

In this age of digital supremacy, keeping our data safe and respecting privacy are super important. As more and more people and businesses use online platforms, it’s crucial to understand what types of data need that extra layer of protection, especially when it comes to PII vs PHI vs PCI. Understanding the distinctions between PII (Personally Identifiable Information), PHI (Protected Health Information), and PCI (Payment Card Information) is crucial.

AI and LLM Data Security: Strategies for Balancing Innovation and Data Protection

Striking the right balance between innovation using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) and data protection is essential. In this blog, we’ll explore critical strategies for ensuring AI and LLM data security, highlighting some trade-offs.

The Invisible Shield: Exploring the Silent Guardians of IoT Security

Effectively acting as an invisible shield, the inner workings of IoT security are often taken for granted. However, we can focus and shine a light on the protocols and practices that provide the foundation of IoT security to help others see how these efficiently operate behind the scenes to protect complex networks of interconnected devices.

Mastering API Compliance in a Regulated World

As we continue our Summer School blog series, let's focus on a vital aspect of modern application security: the relationship between API posture governance, API security, and the constantly changing regulatory compliance landscape. In today's interconnected world, where APIs are crucial for digital interactions, organizations are challenged with securing their APIs while complying with complex regulations designed to protect sensitive data and critical infrastructure.

ThreatQuotient Launches ThreatQ Platform Availability in AWS Marketplace

ThreatQuotient announces that its leading Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) is now available in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Enhanced Data Security and Regulatory Compliance With AWS Cloud + Protegrity

Protegrity is proud to partner with AWS, offering businesses like yours the integrations you need to start protecting data at the field level. With precision data protection through Protegrity and AWS, companies can start meeting regulatory compliance standards outlined with PCI DSS, GDPR, Nacha, or other compliance requirements. With regulatory compliance standards met, businesses can unlock opportunities in improved cloud migration, AI, advanced analytics, reputation management, and more. See how Protegrity’s data protection and partnership with AWS can take your organization to the next level.

JumpCloud Announces Support for AWS Workspaces

The slow and steady progression of technology has transformed the way we work (and think about work) in so many exciting ways. The past few decades have opened new opportunities to create, automate, and manage just about everything that might exist within the IT ecosystem… but sometimes that progression creates complexity and conflict, as new technology solutions clash with existing standards and operations.

The EU AI Act: A roadmap for trustworthy AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize various sectors, ensuring it is developed and deployed in alignment with ethical standards and fundamental rights is critical for businesses that use it. The European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), formally adopted on March 13, 2024, addresses this critical necessity by establishing a comprehensive and detailed legal framework for AI systems within the EU.

Snyk Code, the only security tool chosen by developers in Stack Overflow's 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey

Snyk Code was the only code security tool shortlisted by developers as an AI tool they’ve been regularly using this past year or are looking forward to using next year in Stack Overflow’s recent 2024 AI Search and Developer Tools survey. This underlines Snyk’s dominance as the favorite AI security tool of both developers and security teams and confirms that Snyk Code is providing immense value to developers.