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How does AWS IAM role, STS and Identity Pool work with each other.

We talked about IAM in the past 3 posts, identities in IAM, manage users privilege as an IT person and control privilege boundaries. We also talked about how applications use AWS Cognito Identity Pool to get AWS temporary credentials to access AWS resources in early posts of “What I wish I could have learned before starting using AWS Cognito” and “Authentication and authorization with AWS Amplify under the hood”.

Glaring Gap in Open Source Security: Veracode Finds 80 percent of Libraries Used in Software Are Never Updated

Despite inherent risks of open source code, good software security posture still lacking. 69 percent of fixes are minor and won't break functionality of even the most complex software applications.

The SASE Solution to Network and Security's Complicated Relationship Status

If our friends Security and Networking were on Facebook, they would probably both list their relationship status as “It’s Complicated.” Sometimes everything’s great, but now and then things can get a little weird, unclear, or uncomfortable. At many organizations, there has traditionally been a barrier between the security and networking teams. Each team has its own objectives — and at times, those objectives can be at cross-purposes.

Detecting and Investigating Threats in Splunk Security Analytics for AWS

Splunk Security Analytics for AWS’s pre-built, AWS-specific detections and dashboards allow you to easily visualize your AWS environment and centralize your security analysis and investigations. We’ll walk through some of the offering’s key dashboards and detections in this video, as well as the investigation interface.

The Top 5 Vendor-Neutral Cloud Security Certifications of 2021

Most organizations have already begun their shift to the cloud. In its Cloud Computing Survey 2020, for instance, International Data Group (IDG) found that 81% of respondents had at least one workload or segment of their computing infrastructure in the cloud. That percentage could grow by the end of the year, as IDG found that 32% of total IT budgets will go to cloud computing—up from 30% in 2018.

Introducing the World's First Modern Cloud-Based SecOps Platform: Splunk Security Cloud

To say that the past year presented its fair share of cybersecurity challenges to the InfoSec community would be a drastic understatement. The rapid migration to remote work at scale left 80% of CIOs unprepared, and SecOps teams struggled to confront the evolving threat landscape with disparate toolkits and skill sets. Not to mention that as more organizations shifted to hybrid and multi-cloud environments at scale, cloud complexity (and cloud-based threats) skyrocketed.

Announcing State of Software Security v11: Open Source Edition

Today, we published the open source edition of our annual State of Software Security report. Solely focused on the security of open source libraries, the report includes analysis of 13 million scans of more than 86,000 repositories, containing more than 301,000 unique libraries. In last year’s open source edition report, we looked at a snapshot of open source library use and security.

How data poisoning is used to trick fraud detection algorithms on ecommerce sites

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems have become the norm for using client data to provide recommendations to customers. As more people are working from home and conducting business online, it is imperative that fraud detection software is used to protect user information. But these protective systems also utilize ML to automate the process and understand when a potential attack is taking place.