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Reduce open source software risks in your supply chain

Knowing what’s in your open source software, whether you’re a consumer or producer, can help you manage security risks in your supply chain Modern open source software (OSS) is a movement that started in the eighties as a reaction to commercial software becoming more closed and protected. It allowed academics, researchers, and hobbyists to access source code that they could reuse, modify, and distribute openly.

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Measuring security for cloud native applications

Modern cloud-native applications - and the DevSecOps culture and practices used to manage them - introduce a fresh layer of challenges to the already thorny topic of security measurement. Historically, security has been typically measured on a regular but intermittent basis, at particular points in time. However, the pace of change at modern, cloud-native organisations, who've implemented DevSecOps and/or CI/CD, is relentless. Many deployments might be made in a single day, and the security posture of businesses might thus change dramatically over that time.

Cloud Threats Memo: Preventing the Exploitation of Dropbox as a Command and Control

IndigoZebra is a Chinese state-sponsored actor mentioned for the first time by Kaspersky in its APT Trends report Q2 2017, targeting, at the time of its discovery, former Soviet Republics with multiple malware strains including Meterpreter, Poison Ivy, xDown, and a previously unknown backdoor called “xCaon.” Now, security researchers from Check Point have discovered a new campaign by Indigo Zebra, targeting the Afghan National Security Council via a new version of the xCaon backdoor, dubbed

Four Industries That Will Be Disrupted by AI in 2021

With the never-ending potential of technology to disrupt everyday processes, more and more industries are deciding to adapt to one exciting area of innovation today: artificial intelligence (AI). In fact, Global Industry Analysts Inc. predicts that AI will be worth 164.03 billion GBP by 2026, and here, we look at four industries set to be disrupted by AI. Since the healthcare sector collects and greatly depends on personal data from their patients, AI will play a crucial role in data management.

Demoing the Netskope and Mimecast DLP Integration

Protecting the data of an organization is a complex task. Data is the crown jewel of any organization which the adversaries continuously seek to get their hands on. Data is threatened both by external attackers and internal threats. Sometimes the threats are malicious, and in many cases, they are accidental. Both these cases have to be addressed by modern enterprise security departments.

Discover How Businesses Have Adopted Cloud Computing Security

Devo and ESG partnered to research the latest cloud security trends and adoption statistics. As cloud computing becomes more prevalent, it’s more important than ever to recognize how it will impact businesses and how cloud infrastructure security is more crucial than ever. Learn how SecOps teams can leverage new strategies to overcome challenges from cloud-shift

98% of Infosec Pros Say Multi-Cloud Environments Create Additional Security Challenges, Reveals Survey

Organizations have multiple reasons for embracing a multi-cloud strategy. First, it enables them to avoid “vendor lock-in” where they need to rely on a single vendor for all their cloud-based needs. Second, it empowers them to take advantage of the perks offered by several cloud service providers at once. Lastly, such a strategy helps to protect them against data loss and/or downtime, as an issue in one environment won’t necessarily spill over into another.

Lookout Unearths Android Crypto Mining Scams

Cryptocurrencies, once the exclusive domain of an idealistic fringe movement, have recently become attractive to mainstream retail investors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the valuation of cryptocurrencies rose exponentially, reaching a market capitalization of over $2 trillion. Cybercriminals are always looking for the path of least resistance to make money and cryptocurrencies are now in their crosshairs.

Hardening AWS EKS security with RBAC, secure IMDS, and audit logging

Misconfigurations in infrastructure as code (IaC) can be just as dangerous as vulnerabilities in code. Small mistakes in configuration can lead to the sensitive data being readable on the internet, or private endpoints and dashboard accessible to the anonymous users and abused as the initial point of compromise. Recent security research findings indicate the rise in malware targeting the Kubernetes platform which showcases the need for secure configuration.