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Protect your cloud infrastructure at scale with Wiz and Tines

Increased cloud adoption has introduced new security risks; organizations need to protect invaluable, sensitive data that can be accessed from anywhere. Traditional methods no longer suffice - today’s security operations teams must adopt innovative solutions and streamlined processes to effectively manage the increase in complexity and ensure mission-critical cloud loads are safeguarded.

Cloud Threats Memo: Threat Actors Continue to Abuse Cloud Services to Deliver Malware in 2023

Our most recent Cloud and Threat Report highlighted how threat actors abuse cloud services (with a special focus on cloud storage apps) to deliver malicious content (and yes, OneDrive leads the chart of the most exploited apps). To confirm that this trend will likely continue in 2023, researchers at Trend Micro have discovered an active campaign, launched by a threat actor named Earth Bogle.

Connecting to the 11:11 Systems Secure Cloud Service Provider - 11:11 Secure Cloud DRaaS with Veeam

This video details the first step in setting up the iland Secure Cloud DRaaS with Veeam service. It provides step-by-step instructions for adding 11:11 Systems as a Service provider. In the event that you run into any issues or have any questions, feel free to reach out to your 11:11 Systems Project Manager or the 11:11 Systems support team.

Top Open Source Licenses Explained

With an understanding of what open source licenses are and their benefits, it’s also useful to know what are the main categories of these licenses, the different types, and their requirements. It’s quite an array, which can be overwhelming, but with this knowledge, you can make more informed choices about what software and what licenses are right for your purposes.

4 Things to Know about Your Car and API Security

It used to be cool if your car had GPS and a dashboard screen, remote lock on a key, and a video player for the kids to watch movies during road trips. Then came bluetooth for your phone and keyless start. Not anymore. The bells and whistles available in today’s cars have left them all in the dust. Video player? Let’s be honest. This generation knows and expects on-demand streaming to keep them entertained. Cars can now function as fully equipped communications centers.

8 Most Common Cloud Misconfigurations to Look Out For

Recently, Amazon accidentally exposed information on Amazon Prime Video viewing habits to the public. In addition, Thomson Reuters news and media company admitted that their servers had compromised 3TB of data by public-facing ElasticSearch databases. Well, these are the type of news we often see on the front page of cybersecurity forums. But if you dig a bit deeper, you will find that these data leaks are caused by misconfiguration, not cyber attacks.