Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


AI can crack your passwords. Here's how Keeper can help.

As AI becomes more advanced, it’s important to consider all the ways AI can be used maliciously by cybercriminals, especially when it comes to cracking passwords. While AI password-cracking techniques aren’t new, they’re becoming more sophisticated and posing a serious threat to your sensitive data. Thankfully, password managers like Keeper Security exist and can help you stay safe from AI-password threats.

Penetration Testing in AWS: Can You Test Your Cloud Security?

AWS Security provides organisations with the tools and resources they need to protect their applications, services and data in the cloud. It can help businesses identify areas of vulnerability, detect malicious activity, monitor traffic patterns for suspicious activity and prevent unauthorised access. It includes features like encryption, authentication, risk assessment and compliance monitoring.

Changes to Datadog Cloud Security Management

In order to better meet organizations’ specific requirements for securing their environments, we are making changes to our Cloud Security Management product. On August 1, Datadog introduced new offerings in Cloud Security Management: CSM Pro and CSM Enterprise. Alongside Datadog Cloud Workload Security, these distinct packages provide customers with security capabilities tailored to their particular use cases and needs.

Securing your cloud networks: Strategies for a resilient infrastructure

What exactly is resilience? According to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology, the goal of cyber resilience is to “enable mission or business objectives that depend on cyber resources to be achieved in a contested cyber environment.” In other words, when you’re at odds with cybercriminals and nation-state actors, can you still get your job done? If not, how quickly can you get back up and running?

How to revoke access for unwanted guests in Azure Active Directory

Do your house guests still have access to your home after they’ve left, or overstayed their welcome? No, right? You would throw them out or take the keys back because they no longer require access. Guests in Azure are like house guests. Once they no longer need access, it's then time to take back the key so they no longer have access to the company's data and connected apps. Yet many organizations are inadvertently leaving themselves at risk of supply chain attacks.

4 Business Advantages of the Cloud for Financial Services

Financial institutions, banks, accounting firms, credit unions, and hedge funds may struggle to stay compliant and protect themselves from cyberattacks’ rising frequency. While data security may be top of mind for financial organization teams, they can gain peace of mind and set themselves up for long-term growth by partnering with a managed cloud services provider.

Defender for IoT's Firmware Analysis Tool is Exceptional

One of my "pastimes," if you will, is to check out the features of various security tools. I had been curious about Microsoft's Defender for IoT's just-released Firmware Analysis feature. Essentially, I wanted to test its capabilities because, as we all know, adversaries are continuously upping their game making tools like this increasingly important when it comes to maintaining an organization's security.

Can machines dream of secure code? From AI hallucinations to software vulnerabilities

As GenerativeAI expands its reach, the impact of software development is not left behind. Generative models — particularly Language Models (LMs), such as GPT-3, and those falling under the umbrella of Large Language Models (LLMs) — are increasingly adept at creating human-like text. This includes writing code.

Introducing Cloudflare's 2023 phishing threats report

After shutting down a ‘phishing-as-a-service’ operation that impacted thousands of victims in 43 countries, INTERPOL recently noted, “Cyberattacks such as phishing may be borderless and virtual in nature, but their impact on victims is real and devastating.” Business email compromise (BEC), a type of malware-less attack that tricks recipients into transferring funds — for example — has cost victims worldwide more than $50 billion, according to the FBI.

Coffee Talk with SURGe: The Interview Series featuring Jake Williams

Join Audra Streetman and special guest Jake Williams (@MalwareJake) for a discussion about hiring in cybersecurity, interview advice, the challenges associated with vulnerability prioritization, Microsoft's Storm-0558 report, and Jake's take on the future of AI and LLMs in cybersecurity.