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Exploring the Digital Marketing Landscape in 2023: The New and Emerging Trends

As we navigate the transformative realm of 2023, digital marketing continues to evolve at an unparalleled pace, impacting how brands connect with consumers and drive business growth. The winds of change continue to steer digital marketing towards new territories, thanks to AI advancements, deeper personalization, and a more pronounced focus on ethics and sustainability. In this article, we delve into the new and emerging trends that are shaping digital marketing this year.

AWS Security Checklist And Best Practices

At the heart of nearly every digital transformation strategy is a core focus on flexibility, scalability, and, most importantly, security. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leader in the cloud services sector, empowers organizations to execute complex business processes while ensuring priority is given to robust AWS security practices. When you choose to move your data and applications to the cloud, security certainly takes a front-and-center role.

AWS Penetration Testing Service | Secure Your Cloud Infrastructure

Are you looking for a reliable and comprehensive AWS penetration testing service? Look no further! We provide comprehensive penetration testing services for the AWS ecosystem tailored to your needs. Learn from our experts about common vulnerabilities and how we approach penetration testing in different areas. Understand the benefits of using our service so you can make an informed decision for your security needs. Watch now to learn more about our AWS Penetration Testing Service!

Bill of Materials (BOM) Meaning, Purpose, and Types

Imagine constructing a building without a blueprint or cooking a complex recipe without a list of ingredients. It would be a chaotic and inefficient process, right? The same principle applies to manufacturing and production. That's where the Bill of Materials (BOM) comes into play. In this article, we will explore the meaning, purpose, and diverse types of BOMs, illustrating how they serve as the foundation for seamless production processes.

The parallels of AI and open source in software development

Parallels between the history of open source and the rise of AI in software development can teach us valuable AppSec lessons. The front page news about generative artificial intelligence (GAI) taking over software development from poor human developers has waned a bit. But there is no doubt that the technology will continue to transform the software development space over time.

API Abuse - Lessons from the Duolingo Data Scraping Attack

It’s been reported that 2.6 million user records sourced from the Duolingo app are for sale. The attacker apparently obtained them from an open API provided by the company. There’s a more technical explanation available here. While we talk a lot about the vulnerabilities in the OWASP API Top-10 and the exploits associated with those vulnerabilities, this incident provides a good reminder that not all vulnerabilities are flaws in code. In fact, this API was working as designed.

Understanding API Attacks: Why they are different and how to stop them

API attacks aren’t like traditional application attacks. Understanding those differences is crucial to protecting the valuable data and services your APIs enable. Nick Rago, Salt Security Field CTO, discusses in this webinar: We hope you enjoy the webinar on the changing nature of API attacks and learn the best practices to keep your organization safe.