Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Understanding the Principle of Least Privilege in 2023

The principle of least privilege is a crucial element in keeping data secure from malicious users and cyberattacks. This concept puts restrictions on access rights so that only necessary privileges are provided to applications, systems, and users for them to carry out their duties. By incorporating this measure into various platforms/environments, it greatly reinforces cybersecurity as well as the protection against unauthorised use or misuse of information.

Tips and Tools for Open Source Compliance

You don’t need us to tell you that open source software is becoming a very significant percentage of commercial software codebases. Open source components are free, stable, and enable you to focus your resources on the innovative and differentiated aspects of your work. But as the use of open source components increases, compliance with open source licenses has become a complex project of growing importance. So how can you stay on top of compliance and what tools are out there to help?

What You Need to know about API security

When people talk about complex, interconnected ecosystems, they’re really talking about how applications share data and communicate with each other. Like the air-lock on a spaceship lets people pass between physical environments, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable data to pass between digital environments. However, since APIs act as access points between applications, they create potential security risks.

Upgrade Your Cloud Storage Experience With This Alternative to Filen

Filen is a cloud storage company founded in 2020 in Recklinghausen, Germany. Like many alternative cloud storage providers, Filen aims to provide users with complete privacy for their files, securing them with zero-knowledge and end-to-end encrypted technology. If you’re interested in learning more about Filen, we’ll discuss how they focus on protecting your privacy online, their pricing, and other features.

The Common Cloud Misconfigurations That Lead to Cloud Data Breaches

The cloud has become the new battleground for adversary activity: CrowdStrike observed a 95% increase in cloud exploitation from 2021 to 2022 and a 288% jump in cases involving threat actors directly targeting the cloud. Defending your cloud environment requires understanding how threat actors operate: how they’re breaking in and moving laterally, which resources they target and how they evade detection.

Automate incident response and security workflows with Blink in the Datadog Marketplace

Security and DevOps engineers often spend a lot of time and effort creating and managing complex, repetitive workflows, such as incident response, honeypotting, recovery and remediation, and more. Blink is a no-code security platform that enables users to create workflow automations, triggers, and self-service apps to streamline processes, better enforce guardrails, and eliminate operational bottlenecks.

How to use AI for software development and cybersecurity

We’ve seen how technology can evolve at warp speed, and AI has emerged as both a revolutionary force and a tantalizing enigma. Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking to expand your toolkit or a security enthusiast on a quest for clarity in the realm of AI, embarking on the journey to demystify this dynamic field can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Unveiling best practices for a resilient cloud security strategy

The transition to cloud-based environments has ushered in unparalleled efficiency, scalability, and innovation. However, it has also magnified the importance of fortifying our digital fortresses against an array of potential risks. Considering the increasing reliance on cloud computing, it’s important to find the best practices and strategies that organizations can adopt to enhance their cloud security posture and mitigate the risks associated with cloud-based environments.

How to recognize real AI in cybersecurity?

The term artificial intelligence is used to describe an IT system’s simulation of human intelligence processes, such as the ability to adapt, solve problems or plan. Artificial intelligence systems cover several of these features at present and, with the advent of ChatGPT, their use has become widespread in everyday life. However, this has also resulted in organizations exploiting the term "artificial intelligence," seeking to capitalize on its appeal.