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AppSec Vulnerability Management: Uniting AppSec and CloudSec

Businesses have come a long way in their individual journeys to digital transformation, all to enhance their customer and workforce experiences. This shift elevated the importance of both Application Security (AppSec) and Cloud Security (CloudSec) in safeguarding digital assets and ensuring infrastructure resilience.

VMware vs KVM: A 5-Point Analysis

Following the boat-rocking acquisition acquisition of VMware by Broadcom at the end of 2023, uncertainty and skepticism has been looming among VMware customers as the changes were fast and drastic, impacting everyone in one way or another. While VMware still remains the virtualization leader and isn’t going anywhere (especially for large customers), a number of smaller organizations have been poking around to find whether realistic alternatives exist.

ChatGPT and the dark web: a dangerous alliance

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now present in almost every aspect of our lives. However, its influence is particularly relevant in the field of cybersecurity, where it impacts both defense and attack. While it has become a great tool to protect an organization's digital assets, it has also been weaponized by cybercriminals to spread and execute increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect cyberattacks.

Azure Security Best Practices & Cloud Security Checklist for Secure Cloud Storage

Over 1 billion entrepreneurs are using Microsoft Azure worldwide, and the number is constantly increasing. However, significant power or advantage comes with great responsibility, especially when it comes to protecting sensitive information stored in the cloud. As technologies evolve, so do the threats to data security. Cybercriminals constantly refine their tactics, making it imperative for businesses to fortify their defenses. So, how to combat with such activities? This blog will help!

Understading Cloud Security - Challenges, Best Practices and Benefits

As businesses shift to modern hosting platforms, they must go beyond just network security and pay closer attention to protecting their applications. Simply building walls around data centers won’t keep attackers away when apps are in the cloud. In today’s digital world, where companies depend on cloud services for storage, computing, and software, having strong cloud security is crucial.

The 2024 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) Report | Synopsys

Open source is in everything, everywhere, all at once. Get an in-depth look at the current state of open source security with the ninth edition of the “Open Source Security and Risk Analysis”(OSSRA) report. Do you know what's in your code?

LlamaParse and LlamaCloud - This Week in AI

The realm of artificial intelligence (AI) unfolds like a captivating story, constantly introducing groundbreaking tools and methods that redefine possibilities. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), a technology that empowers applications to glean relevant information from vast datasets and utilize it for various tasks, is a prime example of this advancement.

Data Scientists Targeted by Malicious Hugging Face ML Models with Silent Backdoor

In the realm of AI collaboration, Hugging Face reigns supreme. But could it be the target of model-based attacks? Recent JFrog findings suggest a concerning possibility, prompting a closer look at the platform’s security and signaling a new era of caution in AI research. The discussion on AI Machine Language (ML) models security is still not widespread enough, and this blog post aims to broaden the conversation around the topic.