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DORA's Reach: How UK ICT Service Providers Are Affected

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is set to reshape the landscape of financial services in the European Union. But its impact extends beyond EU borders, particularly affecting UK-based Information and Communication Technology (ICT) service providers. Let’s explore how DORA might influence these providers and what steps they should consider taking.

Key Aspects of a Successful Remediation Plan | Seemplicity

Kevin Swan, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Seemplicity, dives deep into the essential components of a successful remediation plan. Learn how to transform vulnerability management chaos into scalable remediation plans by focusing on four critical areas: identifying what needs to be remediated, locating vulnerable assets, assigning responsible teams, and implementing effective remediation strategies.

How to Securely Use AI in Your Business

Since ChatGPT's launch in November 2022, generative AI-based services have flooded nearly every single sector. While these tools have the potential to greatly increase work productivity, they also introduce risk that organizations may not be aware of. Some companies have taken the hardline approach of banning employee access to AI tools, but following that path runs the risk of leaving you lagging behind your competition.

Why DCAP is Essential for Modern Data Security (A Closer Look)

Almost every company has a system for organizing file storage, which employees use regularly. Streamlining data storage in a corporate environment is not just about improving business processes; it is also about ensuring security. It is challenging to protect data if you do not know where it is stored, what it contains, its value, who owns it, who has access to it, and what its most significant threats are. This is where Data-Centric Audit and Protection (DCAP) systems come into play.

Profee: A revolutionary international transfer service

Due to globalization, people are more able than ever to require financial transfers across different countries. This issue pertains not only to the transfer of money but also to high fees, transfer delays, and the exchange rate. The Profee, the best way to transfer money to india, helps users quickly and easily transfer and receive money in another country.

Ensuring Your Privacy: The Critical Role of Security in Choosing a VPN

Among the growing digital threats to privacy, picking out a Virtual Private Network with the right security features makes it very fundamental. The VPN will not only hide your IP address but will go ahead and encrypt your internet connection, thus helping maintain your privacy while online. On the other hand, not all VPNs are created equal. When it comes to the question of what security in a VPN is, it can enable one to make-without question-an informed decision towards guarding one's digital life.

QuickShell: Sharing Is Caring about an RCE Attack Chain on Quick Share

Authors: Shmuel Cohen, Sr. Security Researcher | Or Yair, Security Research Team Lead Google’s Quick Share is a peer–to-peer data-transfer utility for Android, Windows, and Chrome operating systems. It uses a variety of communication protocols—including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, Web real-time communication (WebRTC), and near-field communication (NFC)—to send files between compatible devices that are in close proximity to each other.