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Attackers Abuse Google Drawings to Host Phishing Pages

Researchers at Menlo Security warn that a phishing campaign is exploiting Google Drawings to evade security filters. The phishing emails inform the user that their Amazon account has been suspended, instructing them to click on a link in order to update their information and reactivate their account. The phishing page is crafted with Google Drawings, which makes it more likely to fool humans while evading detection by security technologies.

Enhancing Cybersecurity Collaboration: ThreatQ Data Exchange and Native TAXII

In today’s rapidly changing cybersecurity environment, organizations must share threat intelligence efficiently and effectively to stay ahead of potential threats. Recognizing the critical need for seamless collaboration, ThreatQ provides native support as a TAXII Server within its ThreatQ Data Exchange. This feature allows Authorized TAXII Clients to access and benefit from shared threat intelligence, enabling the creation of larger, more robust cybersecurity communities.

CSRF simplified: A no-nonsense guide to Cross-Site Request Forgery

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a serious web security vulnerability that allows attackers to exploit active sessions of targeted users to perform privileged actions on their behalf. Depending on the relevancy of the action and the permissions of the targeted user, a successful CSRF attack may result in anything from minor integrity impacts to a complete compromise of the application.

EP 59 - The Persistent Pursuit of Digital Transformation

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, Debashis Singh and host David Puner explore the intricate world of digital transformation and identity security. Debashis, the Global CIO at Persistent Systems, shares his frontline insights on the singular challenges and strategies organizations face on their digital transformation journeys.

The State of Phishing-Resistant MFA

In our increasingly interconnected world, the specter of cybercrime looms larger than ever, casting a shadow over people, businesses, and governments alike. Among the slew of cyber threats bombarding entities daily, phishing attacks are a particularly pernicious menace. With each day, bad actors hone their techniques, leveraging the latest tools and psychological tactics to craft sophisticated phishing campaigns that are clever enough to defy all but the closest scrutiny.

CISOs are concerned about new AI pressures - what can they do about it?

The pressure on security teams has never been greater. With an ever-evolving threat landscape, resource constraints, and now the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are facing unprecedented challenges. This was one of the clear takeaways from our recent report CISO perspectives: separating the reality of AI from the hype, in which 53 CISOs shared their opinions and experiences of AI’s impact on their security operations.

Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Devices: Step-by-Step Tips for Online Safety

Whether you've experienced a security breach, are setting up new devices, or simply enhancing your current security practices, this guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you get back online securely. We've got you covered, from setting up your phone and laptop to tweaking essential security settings and securing your apps.

Top Reasons to Invest in Aluminum Gates

When it comes to securing your home while maintaining an attractive exterior, aluminum gates are an exceptional choice. Whether you have a modern or traditional home, aluminum fences provide the perfect balance between security and aesthetic appeal. At Aluglobus Fence, we specialize in crafting custom aluminum gates that offer both style and durability, ensuring your home remains safe and welcoming.

Thwarting Cyberattacks: Top In-House Solutions

There is no doubt that the number (and severity) of cyberattacks is on the rise. While the lion's share of attention has been devoted to major breaches that often impact multinational organisations, the fact of the matter is that small- to medium-sized enterprises are also at risk. This is why managers and stakeholders must adopt the latest safety protocols to avoid incidents that might otherwise quickly bring operations to a halt. Let us look at four practical suggestions, and the unique benefits associated with each.