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Advancing Threat Intelligence: JA4 fingerprints and inter-request signals

For many years, Cloudflare has used advanced fingerprinting techniques to help block online threats, in products like our DDoS engine, our WAF, and Bot Management. For the purposes of Bot Management, fingerprinting characteristic elements of client software help us quickly identify what kind of software is making an HTTP request. It’s an efficient and accurate way to differentiate a browser from a Python script, while preserving user privacy.

Double Extortion Ransomware: What It Is and How To Avoid It

Double extortion ransomware is a type of cyber attack in which cybercriminals steal sensitive data and encrypt it. Then, cybercriminals threaten to release the stolen data unless the victim pays a ransom. The additional threat of exfiltration makes this type of cyber attack particularly damaging for organizations, as they face the risk of sensitive data being exposed to the public or sold on the dark web.

Supercharge domain discovery with AI-powered External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Modern organizations have sprawling attacks surfaces of known and unknown assets that grow each day. This means understanding and managing your external attack surface is more crucial than ever. But with the vast number of digital assets that organizations need to monitor, accurately identifying every component of your attack surface can seem overwhelming – which is why many turn to External Attack Surface Management (EASM).

Why DCAP is Essential for Modern Data Security (A Closer Look)

Almost every company has a system for organizing file storage, which employees use regularly. Streamlining data storage in a corporate environment is not just about improving business processes; it is also about ensuring security. It is challenging to protect data if you do not know where it is stored, what it contains, its value, who owns it, who has access to it, and what its most significant threats are. This is where Data-Centric Audit and Protection (DCAP) systems come into play.

Scams: Understanding vulnerabilities and protective strategies

Many people don’t realize that scams are complicated events orchestrated by scammers, which often include myriad persuasive techniques and take advantage of our individual characteristics and circumstances. While each scam varies in complexity, they typically progress through three broad stages, each influenced by factors that either heighten or diminish our vulnerability to becoming victims.

The Psychological Tactics Behind Email Scams

This blog looks at the intersection of psychology and email attacks to help guard your business against elaborate deception and adopt actionable strategies to defend your people and assets from manipulative schemes. After reading it, you’ll be better prepared to thwart scams and bolster your organization’s resilience against email-based threats.

Key Aspects of a Successful Remediation Plan | Seemplicity

Kevin Swan, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Seemplicity, dives deep into the essential components of a successful remediation plan. Learn how to transform vulnerability management chaos into scalable remediation plans by focusing on four critical areas: identifying what needs to be remediated, locating vulnerable assets, assigning responsible teams, and implementing effective remediation strategies.