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Tech Analysis: CrowdStrike's Kernel Access and Security Architecture

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, the need for dynamic security measures is critical. Due to Windows’s current architecture and design, security products running in the platform, particularly those involved in endpoint protection, require kernel access to provide the highest level of visibility, enforcement and tamper-resistance, while meeting the strict performance envelopes demanded by large enterprise clients.

Exploring the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity threats

Hello, My name is Chen, and I work as a threat intelligence analyst at Salt Security. Every day, I dive into the complex world of cybersecurity, uncovering the hidden threats that hide in our digital lives. Today, I'd like to take you on a journey through the evolving landscape of API threats. APIs are the quiet helpers of the digital world, allowing software applications to communicate easily with each other.

How To Manage Sudo Users in Other Distributions: Guides on Similar Procedures for Different Linux Distributions

Jump to Tutorial Managing sudo users is one of the most important administrative tasks in any Linux distribution. This process allows a permitted user to run commands as the superuser or another user, defined through security policies. This reduces the potential security threat of having unprivileged users run any command on the system, and we can also audit executed commands or apply the least privilege principle.

Balancing Escalating Security Concerns While Pursuing Business Innovation

Australia's business leaders face a complex and rapidly evolving market landscape that is highly competitive, globally interconnected, and demands a proactive approach to risk management. As continued technological innovation drives business development, efficiency, and success, it simultaneously empowers malicious threat actors to evolve and attack successful businesses more sophisticatedly.

The Most Recent Malware Attacks on Companies in 2024

2024 has been quite the year for malware attacks. So far this year, major companies like Change Healthcare, Ticketmaster, Ascension Hospital, ABN AMRO and CDK Global have all been affected by malware attacks. Keep reading to learn more about each of these major malware attacks and how your company can protect itself from malware attacks.