Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How MDR Services Can Optimize Threat Intelligence

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services play a critical role in cybersecurity. These technologies remotely monitor, detect, and respond to threats, blending threat intelligence with human expertise to hunt down and neutralize potential risks. However, one of the biggest challenges MDRs face is managing the sheer volume and variety of threat intelligence data they receive.

Top reasons stadiums, arenas, and large public venues require DDI solutions for connectivity and coverage

Stadiums, large arenas, racetracks, and other public venues that serve as cultural event hubs often play a vital role in fostering engagements between people from all over the globe. To thrive in today’s competitive global markets, attract major events, secure long-term anchor tenants, and achieve strong attendance figures, merely hosting events is no longer sufficient to motivate consumers to pay high prices for tickets and parking.

Data Governance & Compliance: Navigating the Digital Maze

Is your company grappling with an increasing volume and complexity of information? A strong data governance framework is essential to harness the power of data while lessening risks. This strategic framework ensures data is managed effectively, meets quality standards, and supports informed decision-making, quality standards, and supporting informed decisions. As regulatory compliance burdens intensify, data governance has become critical to organizational success.

How Does Child Identity Theft Happen?

Child identity theft can happen in many different ways, such as by family members, data breaches, compromised online accounts or even sensitive documents being stolen. According to a Carnegie Mellon CyLab study, children are 51 times more likely to fall victim to identity theft than adults. Child identity theft happens when an individual uses a minor’s sensitive information to open lines of credit, get loans or steal benefits under the minor’s name.

DLP 101: The Best Data Loss Prevention Software for 2024

In a world where data breaches hit the headlines almost daily, organizations need effective data protection measures more than ever. Let's dive into the world of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and discover how this powerful software can safeguard your organization's most valuable asset: your data.

IAM funding challenges? Think like a business leader

A couple of weeks ago, we started talking about cybersecurity spending and how we, as security professionals, need to rethink prioritizing those budgets to match the cyber threat landscape. One key takeaway: identity and access management (IAM) is chronically underfunded compared to other, more glamorous security initiatives.

Friday Flows Episode 29: Analyze Phishing emails with Recorded Future

Phishing is one of the biggest time consumers for security teams. Between doing enrichment on IOCs, weeding false positives & escalating real events. It's one of the biggest contributors to alert fatigue. Today we're going to show how to put a stop to that through automation in Tines. Karl Dyas joins me on this episode to break down how we handle. As always, if you want to test out Tines.