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NIST's first post-quantum standards

On August 13th, 2024, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published the first three cryptographic standards designed to resist an attack from quantum computers: ML-KEM, ML-DSA, and SLH-DSA. This announcement marks a significant milestone for ensuring that today’s communications remain secure in a future world where large-scale quantum computers are a reality.

FOG Ransomware Targets Higher Education

In Q2 2024, the Kroll Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Team observed an increase in activity around a new ransomware group named FOG. FOG was initially observed in May 2024, and since then has been heavily targeting higher educational institutions in the U.S. by exploiting compromised VPN credentials. Kroll's review of a recent FOG binary (1.exe) found no exfiltration or persistence mechanisms directly integrated.

From MLOps to MLOops: Exposing the Attack Surface of Machine Learning Platforms

NOTE: This research was recently presented at Black Hat USA 2024, under the title “From MLOps to MLOops – Exposing the Attack Surface of Machine Learning Platforms”. The JFrog Security Research team recently dedicated its efforts to exploring the various attacks that could be mounted on open source machine learning (MLOps) platforms used inside organizational networks.

Threat Context monthly: Executive intelligence briefing for August 2024

Welcome to the Threat Context monthly blog series where we provide a comprehensive roundup of the most relevant cybersecurity news and threat information from KrakenLabs, Outpost24’s cyber Threat Intelligence team. Here’s what you need to know from August.

Why You Should Encourage Your AI/LLMs to Say 'I Don't Know'

In AI and machine learning, providing accurate and timely information is crucial. However, equally important is an AI model’s ability to recognize when it doesn’t have enough information to answer a query and to gracefully decline to respond. This capability is a critical factor in maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of the entire system.

This New Wi-Fi Attack Can Intercept Data Traffic

The growing complexity of networks and connected devices makes implementing effective cybersecurity an increasingly complicated task. While businesses have shown more awareness of the need to elevate their security posture in recent years, several fundamental cyber hygiene issues still need to be addressed.

Maturing your AppSec Program with Toby Jackson - Secrets of AppSec Champions Podcast

Join host Chris Lindsey as he digs into the world of Application Security with experts from leading enterprises. Each episode is theme based, so it's more conversational and topic based instead of the general interview style. Our focus is growing your knowledge, providing useful tips and advice. With Chris' development background of 35 years, 15+ years of secure coding and 3+ years running an application security program for large enterprise, the conversations will be deep and provide a lot of good takeaway's that you can use almost immediately.

Trustwave Government Solutions Attains StateRAMP Authorization Status

Trustwave Government Solutions (TGS) has attained authorized status by the State Risk and Authorization Management Program (StateRAMP) for its Government Fusion platform. "State and local agencies rely heavily on their technology partners to strengthen their cybersecurity postures, and we're proud to be able to deliver a solution that meets or exceeds their elevated security requirements," said TGS President Bill Rucker.