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The Human Factor in a Tech-Driven World: Insights from the CrowdStrike Outage

The idea that people are the weakest link has been a constant topic of discussion in cybersecurity conversations for years, and this may have been the case when looking at the attack landscape of the past. But we live in a new world where artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs) and deep fake technology are changing every day.

Integrating Swagger UI into Web Apps Using Webpack 5 & EmberJs

This article provides a detailed guide on successfully integrating Swagger UI into web applications using EmberJs as the Javascript framework and Webpack as the module bundler. We will cover the step-by-step process, including any challenges encountered along the way and how we resolved them. For those unfamiliar with Ember Js or Webpack, we have included introductory sections to get you up to speed. If you’re already familiar with it, feel free to skip directly to the integration steps.

Automating Intelligence with ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator

ThreatQ TDR Orchestrator serves as a bridge between human expertise and machine precision, optimizing workflows in security operations. By leveraging this dynamic solution, organizations can ensure that the tacit knowledge of security analysts is efficiently captured and combined with automated processes. This integration facilitates a more agile response to threats, as the human element of decision-making is supported by the speed and consistency of automation.

UK Businesses Face New Cyber-Attacks Every 44 Seconds in Q2 2024

In the second quarter of 2024, UK businesses faced cyber-attacks every 44 seconds, highlighting the persistent nature of cyber threats and the critical need for robust cybersecurity protocols. This frequency of attacks shines the spotlight on the ongoing challenge UK businesses face in protecting their digital assets. It also stresses the importance of implementing comprehensive security measures to protect against increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber threats.

FOG Ransomware Targets Higher Education

In Q2 2024, the Kroll Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Team observed an increase in activity around a new ransomware group named FOG. FOG was initially observed in May 2024, and since then has been heavily targeting higher educational institutions in the U.S. by exploiting compromised VPN credentials. Kroll's review of a recent FOG binary (1.exe) found no exfiltration or persistence mechanisms directly integrated.

Why You Should Encourage Your AI/LLMs to Say 'I Don't Know'

In AI and machine learning, providing accurate and timely information is crucial. However, equally important is an AI model’s ability to recognize when it doesn’t have enough information to answer a query and to gracefully decline to respond. This capability is a critical factor in maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of the entire system.

Securing Infrastructure as Code: Best Practices for State Management

IT infrastructure management is a complex task. Over the years, various methods have been used to better manage corporate environments. Whether it is network monitoring, asset control, application monitoring, or any of the other infrastructure management obligations, different solutions have been attempted to make the job easier. These undertakings became even more challenging as infrastructure moved from the deceptively tidy on-premises data centers out to the cloud.

QR Code Scams You Should Be Aware Of

A Quick Response (QR) code is made up of black and white pixels, designed for someone to scan with their camera to access links, contact information and more. Some common QR code scams you should be aware of include QR codes on parking meters, unexpected package deliveries, phishing emails, restaurant menus or unsolicited text messages. One study in October 2023 found that 22% of worldwide phishing attacks used QR codes to spread malware.