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Why Trust Matters: A Deep Dive into Our Customer Trust Center

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. As a security company, we take special care to build and maintain the trust of our customers and partners. That’s why we’ve launched our new Customer Trust Center: to make securing your trust easier than ever. Here’s a look at some of the key features and benefits it offers.

OpenStack vs. VMware: Differences, Costs, and Backup Options

When it comes to managing your cloud infrastructure, picking the right platform can make a big difference in how smooth, scalable, and cost-effective your operations are. Two of the top contenders in this space are OpenStack and VMware. Both offer powerful tools for handling virtualized environments, but they suit different needs and preferences. Knowing the key differences between them is essential to help you make the best choice for your organization’s goals and technical needs.

What's New in NIST 2.0?

NIST has long been an important acronym in the world of cybersecurity, where organizations have for years used the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to help guide their security investments. But the practices and controls associated with NIST have evolved recently, due to the release of NIST 2.0. If you’re stuck in the era of NIST 1.x, it’s time to adapt.

Fast Forward or Freefall? Navigating the Rise of AI in Cybersecurity

It has been only one year and nine months since OpenAI made ChatGPT available to the public, and it has already had a massive impact on our lives. While AI will undoubtedly reshape our world, the exact nature of this revolution is still unfolding. With little to no experience, security administrators can use ChatGPT to rapidly create Powershell scripts. Tools like Grammarly or Jarvis can turn average writers into confident editors.

Is Disabling Clickable URL Links Enough?

Recently, we had a customer reach out to ask if disabling clickable uniform resource locator (URL) links in emails was enough protection by itself to potentially not need employee security awareness training and simulated phishing. We can understand why this misperception might exist. Many anti-phishing educational lessons discuss the need for people to evaluate all URL links before clicking on them.

What Is a Consolidated Cyber Security Platform and Why You Need One In 2024

Is there one cybersecurity tool to rule them all? For most companies, the answer is probably yes. A cybersecurity platform combines multiple security capabilities — endpoint security, threat response, event logging, and more—into a single system. There are Swiss Army knife cybersecurity platforms that perform a range of tasks, like extended detection and response (XDR), and platforms with more niche functions.

MITRE ATT&CK: API-based Enterprise Techniques and Sub-techniques

Imagine you have a backpack with a granola bar buried at the bottom and a tenacious tiny dog who loves snacks. Even though the dog shouldn’t be able to reach that granola bar stored away carefully, it managed to open a zipper and snoop through the contents to eat the snack. From an IT environment standpoint, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the backpack carrying sensitive – but appealing to attackers – data.

The Bug Stops Here: Using DevSecOps Workflows for Pest-Free Applications

Developers and cybersecurity have an interesting relationship. Developers have no problem with security operations just as long as they’re not involved or adding security doesn’t slow down their development cycle. Thankfully, well-documented security operations — known as DevSecOps — assist with the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and perform mostly invisibly from the developer’s perspective.

How to Use Mailvelope for Encrypted Email on Gmail

In the previous blog we covered how to use PGP keys for encrypting and decrypting emails on desktop clients like Thunderbird and Outlook. Now, let's take a look on securing your emails without too much hassle using OpenPGP on webmail services like Gmail using the Mailvelope extension for Google Chrome.

Salesforce Data Protection with Rubrik Security Cloud

In this demo, we will walk through Rubrik Data Protection for Salesforce. Rubrik ensures that your Salesforce data, the backbone of your revenue projections, customer service, and strategic planning, remains secure and accessible. With automated, seamless backups and rapid recovery, Rubrik takes the stress out of data management. You'll know exactly what data was affected and recover it quickly, minimizing downtime.