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Here Comes 2021: 5 Safe Bets and 5 Long Shot Predictions

As we learned in 2020, vendors predict, and the universe laughs. But this year we polled our experts at Netskope to get their view of the year to come. Here’s how we see 2021 shaping up for networking and security, in the form of some pretty safe bets, and some harder calls. As more organizations consolidate and move away from appliance-based security technologies, IT and security teams will realize the cost savings and operational efficiencies the move to cloud brings.

State of Software Security v11: Key Takeaways for Developers

We recently released volume 11 of our annual State of Software Security (SOSS) report, which analyzes the security activity and history of applications Veracode scanned during a one-year period. Giving us a view of the full lifecycle of applications, that data tells us which languages and vulnerabilities to keep an eye on, and how factors like scanning frequency can impact your remediation time.

Is Cybersecurity Smart Enough to Protect Automated Buildings?

Imagine that you are in an elevator in a high rise building when suddenly the elevator starts to plummet with no apparent stopping mechanism other than the concrete foundation below. While this may sound like something from a Hollywood movie, consider the idea that a securely tethered, fully functional elevator is as vulnerable as it is smart.

Accelerate Incident Response and Incident Management with AIOps. 5 Key Benefits in Cisco Environments

Artificial Intelligence for ITOps (AIOps) can help accelerate incident response with all the incident context, impact assessment, triage data and collaboration & automation tools at one place.

Remote Work and Data Security: The Human Factor

If you read our earlier blog, you know Egnyte commissioned a study to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted businesses’ ability to maintain data security and governance with a distributed workforce. The results can be found in our inaugural Data Governance Trends Report. The report offers insights into tools that the 400 IT leaders implemented to help weather the abrupt change, but it also explains the human side of data protection and governance in the age of COVID.

Foresight Mental Health is changing mental health care for the better with DLP in mind

Industry: Healthcare Employees: 244 HQ Location: San Diego, CA Keely Strong, Director of Operations Complex problems, like delivering high quality mental health services during a pandemic, require creative thinking. Foresight Mental Health began at the intersection of ingenuity and necessity: changing the way people interact with and think about mental health care by creating accessibility through the use of insurance plans and increasing provider availability.

Peace out this holiday season by securing every transaction against card-not-present fraud

We are about to enter the most wonderful time of the year. As consumers increasingly turn towards online and mobile commerce, are you confident in your card-not-present fraud detection capabilities? 2020 has been a year of great surprise and change. While the global health pandemic has changed how we physically interact with each other, it has also revolutionized how we shop.

20/20 hindsight shows that foresight wasn't 20/20

In a year marked by unprecedented challenges, we revisit the 2020 cyber security predictions to see which projections held up and which ones didn’t. ’Tis the season. No, we’re not talking about the holidays—Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and others. In the world of cyber, ’tis the season for speculation. Every year around this time, experts dust off their crystal balls and tell us what to expect in the coming year.