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The Future of Ransomware: Preparing for the Next Generation of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware has been the scourge of cybersecurity and may have led to a recent death. Now it soon may get way more dangerous The threats to cybersecurity are constantly evolving. As security teams develop solutions to the threats, malicious actors change their tactics to keep chasing their ill gotten gains. After all, the Game is the Game. And the game keeps changing. In recent years, ransomware has been the weapon of choice for hackers looking for a payday.

Secure your infrastructure in real time with Datadog Runtime Security

From containerized workloads to microservice architectures, developers are rapidly adopting new technology that allows organizations to scale their products at unprecedented rates. In order to make sense of these complex deployments, many teams are abstracting applications away from the environments in which they run. Because of this trade-off, developers and security teams lose the access to the unified context from infrastructure to application needed to fully secure their services.

Data Protection in the Age of Kubernetes

Software containers are at the heart of cloud-native business transformation initiatives. Containers are a natural evolution from virtual machines to a more granular and portable application environment in clouds. They are designed to support rapid development and deployment of cloud-native applications in what is called a DevOps model, a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations.

Demo: Using Netskope policies to deliver Okta authenticated access to any cloud application

When Okta is integrated with Netskope's Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG) it becomes possible to apply strong authentication to any cloud application. This demo shows how Netskope can challenge a user for Okta authentication when they attempt to access an unmanaged cloud application.

Demo: Using Netskope policies to deliver Okta authentication challenges based on risky user behavior

When Okta is integrated with Netskope's Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG) it becomes possible to challenge users for authentication when they perform risky activities. In this example, the uploading of sensitive data to a cloud application will trigger an authentication challenge before allowing the activity to complete.

Demo: Netskope preventing data exfiltration to personal devices from cloud apps managed by Okta

When Okta is integrated with Netskope's Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG) it becomes possible to apply data protection policies to unmanaged devices accessing managed cloud applications. These policies are typically configured to prevent the downloading of sensitive data from cloud applications to personal or BYOD devices.

4 Emerging SaaS Security Risks to Consider in 2021

Last year, we wrote about the threat landscape we saw on the horizon for 2020 in our SaaS threat landscape post. Focusing on apps like Slack, we honed in on the risks that would matter in 2020. Although our analysis was written well ahead of the COVID-19, some of our concerns were exacerbated as a result of the pandemic. With the pandemic continuing into 2021, we wanted to take the time to review the state of cloud adoption in 2020 and update our threat assessment going into the new year.

Anti-Fingerprint Browsers: What You Need to Know

Client-side technology (such as JavaScript) can be used to create a unique “fingerprint” for a specific device/browser combination, which can be used to modify functionality or detect returning users. Some fraud prevention tools will use fingerprinting to block transactions from browsers that have been previously identified as insecure or involved in fraudulent activity.