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Combat Cybercriminals With Sound Office Policies

According to the FBI, cybercrime cost American businesses $12.5 billion in 2023. More worrying was that this was a 22% increase from the previous year, even though there were fewer complaints in 2023. Just over 60% of those losses were due to phishing emails, showing that humans are the weakest link. As a result, you need to ensure that your office policies are on point. In this article, we'll look at where to focus your efforts. We'll discuss physical security, third-party vendors, and training your team.

Sync Products from Amrod to WooCommerce | Integrate Amrod and WooCommerce

In this video, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up the miniOrange WooCommerce Product Sync plugin on your WordPress site to seamlessly sync products from Amrod to WooCommerce. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial will make it easy for you to manage your online store's inventory efficiently.

How to configure Joomla Custom REST API Plugin

The Joomla Custom API plugin lets you create custom APIs to expand the capabilities of the Joomla CMS (Content Management System). By using these APIs you can expose particular features or data from your Joomla website, allowing external programs or services to communicate with your Joomla website. With the help of the custom endpoints you have developed, this plugin offers a smooth method to work with the Joomla database, enabling you to easily carry out CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.

History of Vulnerability Management: Lessons from Past to Present

Vulnerability management has been a key part of how companies protect their digital assets and has helped cybersecurity evolve. In the last few decades, vulnerability management has changed from simple patch management to complex, multi-layered plans meant to act upon cyber threats that are getting smarter all the time. In the early days of cybersecurity, people only took action after security was breached instead of trying to stop them.

Why Do Criminals Love Phishing-as-a-Service Platforms?

Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS) platforms have become the go-to tool for cybercriminals, to launch sophisticated phishing campaigns targeting the general public and businesses, especially in the financial services sector. PaaS operates much like other subscription-based malware models, where cybercriminals offer phishing kits, including spam tools, phishing pages’ templates, bulletproof servers, and victim databases to less-experienced attackers.