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Navigating the new era of attacks

In this episode of Server Room, we sit down with Karuppaiah Veeraiah, Head of Security at Zoho, to explore the latest trends and groundbreaking technologies in the world of cybersecurity. We delve into practical insights on how organizations can stay ahead of emerging threats, fortify their digital defences, and prepare for the challenges of the upcoming year.

Everything you need to know about EvilProxy Attacks

An “Evil Proxy” is a malicious proxy server used by attackers to intercept and change the communication between a client and a legitimate server. It is also known as Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS), where the attackers attempt to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers.

Path Traversal in 2024 - The year unpacked

Path traversal, also known as directory traversal, occurs when a malicious user manipulates user-supplied data to gain unauthorized access to files and directories. Typically the attacker will be trying to access logs and credentials that are in different directories. Path traversal is not a new vulnerability and has been actively exploited since the 90s when web servers gained popularity, many relied on Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts to execute dynamic server-side content.

Phishing Attacks Exploits the Open Enrollment Period

A phishing campaign is impersonating HR to target employees who are making annual insurance changes during the open enrollment period, according to researchers at Abnormal Security. The attackers are using legitimate notifications from Dropbox to send phishing messages, asking recipients to view a document on Dropbox regarding annual salary increases and open enrollment elections.

Threat Group Use AI Adult-Based "Deepnude" Image Generator Honeypots to Infect Victims

The threat group FIN7 is using the lure of generating nude images of favorite celebrities to get victims to download their NetSupport RAT. In any social engineering scam, there’s always the need to create some sense of urgency to act in order to make the potential victim take an action that enables the attack. In the case of a new attack by threat group FIN7, the urgency appears to be the desire to see deepfake nude images.

Understanding the Risks and Mitigation of Phishing Attacks in 2024

Even though cybersecurity is always changing, phishing attacks are still a threat that is getting worse. The goal of these attacks is to get people to give up private data like passwords, financial information, or company secrets by using social engineering tricks. As technology has improved, phishing schemes have grown more complex in 2024. They now use convincing methods to target both people and businesses. According to new studies, 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email.

6 Ways to Prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks

In today’s cyber attack scene, data often takes a detour – straight through hackers’ systems. Unlike phishing or ransomware, which aim to trick users into handing over credentials or stealing data directly from systems, a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack involves an unseen intermediary trying to fool each of two parties into thinking he’s the other one, capturing and/or altering information communicated between the parties, etc.

What is active directory and why is it on an attackers radar?

In the past year, 85% of organizations have experienced an Active Directory attack. To strengthen your security posture and defend your AD, you need to what attackers are looking for. In this video,'s experts give you an insight into what exactly is Active Directory and what makes it such a lucrative target for cyber attackers.

Inside Storm-0940: Uncovering Tactics of a Prolific Chinese Cyber Espionage Group

Storm-0940 is a Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) group that has operated since at least 2021, although some evidence suggests involvement in earlier incidents. Known for its complex cyber espionage tactics, this group primarily targets government agencies, military organizations, and critical infrastructure to gain intelligence for political and military advantage. Leveraging an arsenal of techniques ranging from spear-phishing to exploiting software vulnerabilities.