What is active directory and why is it on an attackers radar?

What is active directory and why is it on an attackers radar?

In the past year, 85% of organizations have experienced an Active Directory attack. To strengthen your security posture and defend your AD, you need to what attackers are looking for. In this video, #FidelisSecurity's experts give you an insight into what exactly is Active Directory and what makes it such a lucrative target for cyber attackers.

Watch complete webinar here - https://fidelissecurity.com/resource/webinar/safeguarding-active-directory-in-the-era-of-cyber-threats/

Access our Whitepaper - https://fidelissecurity.com/resource/whitepaper/mastering-active-directory-security/

Dive deep into how Active directory intercept works - https://fidelissecurity.com/resource/datasheet/fidelis-active-directory-intercept/

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