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October 2020

The Fintech Sector is Under Cyber Attack - Here's How Companies Are Protecting their Data

Fintech companies – those that offer technology to support the banking and personal finance industry – are increasingly at risk of cyberattack. After healthcare, fintech is the second most frequently attacked industry, according to Alissa Abdullah, senior vice president of cybersecurity technology at Mastercard. Fintech News found that 27% of attacks target banks or healthcare.

ContainerDrip - Another Example of Why HTTP Basic Authentication is Flawed

The latest exploit in the series of issues with cloud infrastructure software is called “ContainerDrip” (CVE-2020-15157)and in some cases it can cause you to leak your registry secrets to an attacker. The attack is actually a kind of secret or password leak using request forgery. Your client unintentionally makes an HTTP API request to the attacker’s endpoint where this request contains the container image registry secret.

What is SQL injection?

An SQL injection (also known as SQLi) is a technique for the “injection” of SQL commands by attackers to access and manipulate databases. Using SQL code via user input that a web application (eg, web form) sends to its database server, attackers can gain access to information, which could include sensitive data or personal customer information. SQL injection is a common issue with database-driven websites.

Is DDoSing illegal?

You're woken by your phone erupting with notifications. You drowsily reach for it and find a barrage of messages from frustrated clients complaining about your website. You try to load your website but you're met with a frightful "service unavailable" message. You could be a victim of a DDoS attack. A Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS attack) is the process of sending an overwhelming amount of data requests to a web server with the intention of impeding its performance.

How are scalping bots threatening your businesses?

Scalper bots, or inventory hoarding bots, are used to disrupt, manipulate, and steal merchandise much faster than any human can. These malicious bots add products to carts, often products that are in high demand or limited supply. This stock is held in a basket and made unavailable to other prospective buyers. Scalper bots perform this process multiple times, causing significant problems for websites and retailers, by hijacking inventory and reselling the items at a higher price.

What is Your #1 Resource to Keep Your Organization Safe from Cyber Attacks?

It’s not surprising that the #1 resource to keep your organization safe from cyber attacks is….your employees! Your employees are your main line of defense against hackers. Cyber attacks can destroy your business. It’s important to invest in your best line of defense: your employees. Engaging your employees with education while protecting their mobile devices and endpoints could be the most important piece of your security strategy.

The Future of Cyber Security Manchester: What Are Bot Attacks?

Netacea's General Manager, Nick Baglin, talking about a new approach to bots and account takeover at The Future of Cyber Security Manchester 2019. This presentation will reveal the true extent of the bot problem and what you can do to solve it using behavioural machine learning that identifies even the most sophisticated bots.

When robots strike: The hidden dangers of business logic attacks

When organisations consider how to protect their web applications from attacks, they often focus on security scans and pen tests to identify technical security flaws. While this is absolutely correct, there is another risk that often remains undetected until it is too late: business logic attacks.