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May 2022

Naming Adversaries and Why It Matters to Your Security Team

What is it with these funny adversary names such as FANCY BEAR, WIZARD SPIDER and DEADEYE JACKAL? You read about them in the media and see them on CrowdStrike T-shirts and referenced by MITRE in the ATT&CK framework. Why are they so important to cyber defenders? How is an adversary born? You may think you have a problem with ransomware, bots or distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks but you would be wrong. Because humans are behind every cyberattack, what you really have is an adversary problem.

7 Cybersecurity Best Practices Financial Firms Should Live By

According to the 2021 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index , the finance and insurance industry sector experienced the most cyber attacks for the fourth year in a row. It’s no mystery why: Hackers go where the money is. And according to Verizon's 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), financial gain was the most common motive in data breaches across all industries: 93 percent of breaches involving companies with fewer than 1,000 employees were financially motivated.

KillNet Utilizes CC-Attack: A Quick & Dirty DDoS Method

During the course of 2022, SecurityScorecard has been tracking multiple DDoS campaigns that have been targeting entities within the Ukrainian government, as well as other European government targets that are perceived to be allied with Ukraine government interests. One of the groups at the forefront of these DDoS attacks is the hacking collective known as KillNet.

How Can OEMs Reduce Their Risk of Cyberattacks?

Many modern businesses in almost every sector of the economy are adopting the latest technologies for greater connectivity and efficiency. However, while many of these technologies offer myriad benefits, they can also create new cybersecurity vulnerabilities. While much of the focus has remained on manufacturers and how they can bolster their cybersecurity efforts, another group of businesses also needs to improve their cybersecurity.

Snyk finds 200+ malicious npm packages, including Cobalt Strike dependency confusion attacks

Snyk recently discovered overt 200 malicious packages in the npm registry. While we acknowledge that vulnerability fatigue is an issue for developers, this article is not about the typical case of typosquatting or random malicious package. This article shares the findings of targeted attacks aimed at businesses and corporations that Snyk was able to detect and share the insights.

npm package hijacking through domain takeover - how bad is this "new" attack?

When relying on a 3rd-party package from a non-commercial entity, there is always the risk of lack of support, especially when it comes to outdated packages and versions. If the package stops being maintained, nobody will implement a new feature we might need or fix a newly-discovered security vulnerability. Consider, for example, CVE-2019-17571. A critical remote code vulnerability which was never fixed in Log4j 1.x, since it was not supported anymore, and only fixed in Log4j 2.x.

Monitor Content Security Policy violations with Datadog

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a W3C standard that helps defend web applications against cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, and other code injection attacks. CSP is often deployed by using an HTTP header (or, less commonly, a element) to specify which types of resources are allowed to load on your site and where those resources can come from.

What is a spoofing attack? Types of spoofing and prevention measures

Spoofing attacks are on the rise. What is a spoofing attack, you ask? Essentially, it attempts to gain unauthorised access to systems, devices or networks by masquerading as a valid user. In other words, spoofing attackers try to mimic or copy the behaviour of authorised users to steal information or gain access.

Killnet Cyber Attacks Against Italy and NATO Countries

On May 11, several Italian institutional websites, including the Italian Senate, the Ministry of Defense, and the National Institute of Health, were taken offline and unreachable for a few hours. This was day one of a multiday cyber attack, which targeted other Italian websites as well as other countries.

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Ransomware Attacks: How They Happen, the Threats and Risks

Ransomware attacks are on the rise, and businesses need to be aware of the dangers they pose. In this blog post, we will discuss how ransomware attacks take place, the threats they pose, and the aftermath for businesses. We will also provide tips for protecting your business from ransomware attacks. If you prefer a watch over a read, our consultant breaks Ransomware down in the video below.

CRLF Injection Attack Explained

Web applications across the digital world are teeming with vulnerabilities increasingly equipped to defeat security mechanisms. Among them are injection attacks. We are aware of the many injection vulnerabilities present in a web application, for example, SQL injection, HTML injection, CRLF injection, cross-site scripting and many others. This article will discuss CRLF injection vulnerability in detail for web application security.

New Typosquating Attack on npm Package 'colors' Using Cross language Technique Explained

All developers are prone to mistakes that leave them open to typosquatting attacks. Tiredness, dirty keyboard, or software issues may lead to typing some letters twice. Everyone would like to see a red screen and alarm coming out of the computer in such a case, but sadly, it doesn’t always work that way with most supply chain attacks.

Cloud Threats Memo: What We Can Learn From the Top 15 Routinely Exploited Threats of 2021

Have you ever wondered what vulnerabilities are exploited the most by threat actors? The answers you have been eagerly waiting for could be found inside a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) coauthored by the cybersecurity authorities of the United States (CISA), Australia (ACSC), Canada (CCCS), New Zealand (NZ NCSC), and the United Kingdom (NCSC-UK), plus the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Compromised Docker Honeypots Used for Pro-Ukrainian DoS Attack

Between February 27 and March 1, 2022, Docker Engine honeypots were observed to have been compromised in order to execute two different Docker images targeting Russian and Belarusian websites in a denial-of-service (DoS) attack. Both Docker images’ target lists overlap with domains reportedly shared by the Ukraine government-backed Ukraine IT Army (UIA). The UIA previously called its members to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against Russian targets.

Top Cyber Attacks of April 2022

The attacks came from all corners in the past month, as cybercriminals used administrative access codes, stolen internal data, laser-focused programming tools, and even humble job applications to worm their way into organizations' inner workings. Let's look at some of the strange and sinister innovations that shaped the world of cybercrime this April.

Industrial Spy - Keep your Friends Close

In recent weeks, Cyberint has been monitoring a new marketplace that appeared in the TOR network, an insiders network called Industrial Spy. This new platform was established in around mid-March this year and is currently being promoted on known Darknet forums and Telegram channels. The platform’s main goal is to become the ultimate repository containing victims’ data, which is mainly gathered by threat actors and insiders.

Blue Dawn Webinar

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has introduced us to a new era in which anyone can pick up a keyboard and join a cause they see fit. Groups like BlueHornet emerged as a result and caused havoc to anyone they saw as responsible. This reality raises many questions - will wars rise and fall in the decision of hacktivists instead of governments? Are we as a society legitimized this phenomenon, and where do we draw the line?

Analysis on recent wiper attacks: examples and how wiper malware works

Wiper’s main objective is to destroy data from any storage device and make the information unavailable (T1485). There are two ways of removing files, logical and physical. Logical file removal is the most common way of erasing a file, performed by users daily when a file is sent to (and emptied from) the Recycle bin, or when it is removed with the command line or terminal with the commands del/rm.