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Maximizing Cybersecurity with SOC Support Consulting: What You Need to Know

Businesses need strong cybersecurity steps because threats are always changing. As cyberattacks get smarter and happen more often, it's more important than ever to have good security processes. SOC Support Consulting is becoming an important part of improving cybersecurity because it gives companies the knowledge and tools they need to quickly find and stop threats.

AT&T Data Breach 2024 Lawsuit: Consumer Reactions and Future Implications

AT&T had a big data breach in early 2024, which let millions of customer records with private and sensitive information become public. People were scared by this event, and it also made people question AT&T's data protection policies. The AT&T Data Breach Lawsuit was started because of this, with customers asking for money and information about the company's safety measures. A lot of people are worried about this case, which shows how vulnerable businesses are in the current scenario.

What is GDPR Compliance? Understanding the Role of DLP

General Data Protection Regulation Compliance, also known as GDPR Compliance, is the European Union’s foundation law on data privacy and security. The objective of GDPR is to provide individual’s control over their personal data from how it’s collected to how it’s use, shared, and storage.

7 Strategies for CISOs to Manage Compliance Efficiently

From GDPR in Europe to CCPA in California, compliance officers and CISOs face a deluge of regulations, standards, and requirements. With every country, industry, and regulator demanding different levels of control, how can teams manage these complex requirements efficiently? In a recent virtual panel discussion, I had the opportunity to join Ashish Tandon, Founder & CEO of Indusface, where I highlighted essential strategies for CISOs to navigate these compliance complexities efficiently.

Understanding Backup Encryption Options

Data backup is critical to data loss prevention and swift recovery. A part of a secure and resilient data protection strategy is backup encryption to prevent breaches and access to data by unauthorized persons. This blog post covers encryption types based on where data is encrypted and explains how a specific approach can be used for an effective backup encryption strategy. Say no to ransoms with NAKIVO Use backups for fast data recovery after ransomware attacks.

Why Identity Security is Your Best Companion for Uncharted Compliance Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving global regulatory landscape, new technologies, environments and threats are heightening cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. In the last year, governing bodies have taken significant steps to enact stricter compliance measures—and more than ever, they are focusing on identity-related threats. Some notable changes include: Zero Trust is a common thread in many recent regulatory changes.

Best Practices for Writing an IT Security Incident Report

Everyone remembers that one required writing class they needed to take. If you’re like a lot of other security analysts, you assumed that your job would focus on using technology, not writing research papers. However, in today’s business environment, cyber incidents are critical business events, especially as governments and agencies create more reporting requirements.

Cybersecurity in Relationships: Protecting Your Data and Privacy After Trust Is Broken

When we think of insider threats, we often picture cybercriminals or disgruntled employees trying to break into a business. But there is a more personal, hidden danger lurking in the shadows of our daily lives—our own partners or, in most cases, ex-partners. In the heart of a relationship, trust is woven into every aspect of our lives. We share passwords, accounts, devices, and even locations without a second thought, but what happens when that trust is broken, when love turns to loss?

Learn How to Web Scrape: A Beginner's Guide

Is it a good idea to learn how to web scrape? If you want to save hundreds of hours of work, then you should. Also, it’s a cool skill to have as a programmer. Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites, and since data is available everywhere, you can get it and process it effectively by mastering basic and advanced techniques.