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Attack Misuses Google Docs Comments to Spew Out "Massive Wave" of Malicious Links

Security researchers say they have seen a “massive wave” of malicious hackers exploiting the comment feature in Google Docs to spread malicious content into the inboxes of unsuspecting targeted users. According to a blog post published by Avanan, the comments functionality of Google Docs, as well as its fellow Google Workplace web-based applications Google Sheets and Google Slides, is being exploited to send out malicious links.

The Best of Both Worlds: Pairing Tripwire ExpertOps with Technical Account Management

This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s spoken to me for more than five minutes, but I am a Doctor Who fan. In fact, “fan” is being kind. I’m hopelessly obsessed with the show to the point that more than one ‘Who’ actor has a restraining order out on me.

Key Considerations for Canada's Forthcoming National Cyber Security Strategy

On December 16, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released mandate letters tasking his ministers of national defense, foreign affairs, public safety, and industry to develop a new “National Cyber Security Strategy.” He specifically highlighted the need for the strategy to “articulate Canada’s long-term strategy to protect our national security and economy, deter cyber threat actors, and promote norms-based international behavior in cyberspace,” as quoted by Global News.

Integrity: A Key Facet of Zero Trust

On May 12, The White House published its Executive Order (EO) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. The directive outlined a set of focus areas intended to improve cybersecurity for the federal government and critical infrastructure sectors including information sharing, supply chain security, endpoint detection and response, and cloud security.

Tips, Advice, and Insights on Achieving Buy-in for Cybersecurity Projects

A CISO’s job can be one of the most stressful in cybersecurity. It can sometimes feel like an avalanche of responsibilities, all in the pursuit of keeping an organization safe. The problem more often than not comes down to the issue of obtaining funding for new technology that can make the job easier. In reality, CISOs can’t always obtain the executive buy-in necessary for receiving that funding. Their organization’s security posture then suffers as a result.

Not IT vs OT, but IT and OT

IT environments have always been considered the forefront when it comes to cybersecurity, and OT environments have been the forefront when it comes to physical security. As more and more cyber threats are taking place, and with an increasing number recently focused on OT environments, everyone seems to be concerned with how to upscale and secure their OT estates in terms of cybersecurity.

Securing Smart Cities: What You Need to Know

Due to urbanization, which involves a complex set of economic, demographic, social, cultural, technological, and environmental processes, governments are developing smart cities to address some of the challenges unique to urban areas. This development occurs through the transmission of data using wireless technology and the cloud.

Improving Edge Computing Security in 2022

More organizations are turning their eyes to edge computing as cloud adoption reaches new heights. Experts predict there will be 55 billion edge devices by 2022 as latency and resilience demands grow and 5G makes these networks possible. While this growth is impressive, it raises several security concerns. Edge computing expands attack surfaces, and data centers lack the resources of traditional cloud infrastructure.

Will Zero Trust Shape the Future of Cloud Security?

Zero trust is everywhere, and it will change the way we undertake security. Just as zero trust concepts are shaping the data center and our networks, they will shape cloud environments, as well. Many of the challenges of cloud security arose because we moved workloads to the cloud with no clear idea of how to secure them. Zero trust provides exactly those ideas.