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OT Vulnerability Management: A Risk-Based Approach

The number of missing security patches in an OT system is typically very large—measured in the thousands, at least. It would be difficult and expensive for an asset owner to evaluate each missing security patch / cyber asset pair. This may be one reason we see a patch everything approach, but this is also difficult and expensive. In fact, assessments show this is rarely done even where required by policy.

Upgrade From Whitelist Profiler to Tripwire State Analyzer

If you’re a Tripwire® Whitelist Profiler customer, then you know that the software does an excellent job of executing its core functionalities. These include comparing the running state of a machine to the approved and expected configurations in your environment to stay in compliance with audit and internal policies. Although Whitelist Profiler is proficient in this regard, that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved in other capacities such as ease of use.

Understanding the Cybersecurity Risks Confronting Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Organisations

When was the last time you purchased a product that was in a container? If you are a typical consumer, you probably have done so in the last few days. There is an entire industry that focuses on these containers. Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) is an industry term for merchandise that is used and replaced on a frequent basis.

Safer Internet Day 2022: 4 tips to help support the youth in our lives

We all want a safer Internet, but we often put a lot of trust and hope in technology to deliver on that promise. The Internet is really made up of people, though. And people can make the biggest impact in creating a safer Internet. While everyone is impacted by Internet safety, children and youth are disproportionately at risk. The concept of a Safer Internet Day was born out of the desire to create a safer experience for young people.

Your Cell Phone and Your Identity: Keeping Your PII Safe

Have you considered how often your phone number has been shared? Most of us give out our cell phone numbers all the time – to friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and even big, monolithic, impersonal companies. We may even print them on business cards or list them on public forums. A cell phone is no longer just a way to contact someone to engage in conversation.

User Created Content with Tripwire Configuration Manager

Tripwire Configuration Manager allows for user created configuration and compliance management content via a new Policy Management capability. Custom user content can be used alongside existing cloud service provider and third-party SaaS policies, providing multiple new use cases for data gathering and expanding policy compliance support into new services. This blog will describe some of the features and use cases for the Policy Management capability.

Cybersecurity in Competitive Online Gaming (Cheating, Mitigation, and Vulnerabilities)

As the competitive online gaming and eSports industries gain legitimacy by becoming more popular and attracting mainstream attention, the question of competitive integrity lingers in the back of my mind. Can the game’s developers, community, and users maintain and uphold competitive integrity? Or will they fold under the pressure of greed and complacency?

Making Progress Securing Our Nation's Water Supply

Water and wastewater treatment may not be at the top of most people’s list of discussion topics, but the more you think about it, the more clear it becomes that this particular subsegment of the utilities market is a vital part of our critical infrastructure. We rely on the ability to turn on the tap and get clean, safe water every day. And we’ve seen what havoc losing that ability can wreak from the crisis in Flint, MI.