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Cybersecurity and Drones: How to Address the Security Threats

The Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) industry has become a massive technological playground worldwide. Their extensive applications make UAS very popular for the public and the private sector. Armed forces, agricultural industry, law enforcement, meteorological agencies, medical services, environmental companies, and oil refineries are but a few out of the excessive list of UAS users.

Dark Overlord collaborator imprisoned for trading stolen identities

A Canadian man has been handed a three year prison sentence after being found guilty of buying and selling over 1700 stolen identities on a dark web marketplace. 29-year-old Slava Dmitriev, who went by the online handle of “GoldenAce”, bought and sold individuals’ personal private information, including social security numbers, on the AlphaBay dark web marketplace in 2016 and 2017.

Cybersecurity Laws - Get Ready Today to Save Some Money Tomorrow

It looks likely that the UK will join a growing number of nations promoting cybersecurity’s importance for businesses including the introduction of new laws. Amongst the proposals being considered are adding new powers to the UK Cyber Security Council that could significantly change the reporting requirements associated with security incidents. From what has been shared to date, two points that stand out are as follows.

Containment, Communication, and Remediation: The 3 Keys to a Breach Response

The number of U.S. data breaches reported in 2021 increased dramatically over the preceding year. As reported by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), there were 1,291 data breaches between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021. The volume beat out the 1,108 breaches detected over the course of Full Year (FY) 2020. It’s therefore not surprising that data compromises year-to-date (YTD) was up 27% last year compared to FY 2020.

See No Evil, Hear No Evil: The Use of Deepfakes in Social Engineering Attacks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most high-profile technology developments in recent history. It would appear that there is no end to what AI can do. Fom driverless cars, dictation tools, translator apps, predictive analytics and application tracking, as well as retail tools such as smart shelves and carts to apps that help people with disabilities, AI can be a powerful component of wonderful tech products and services.

ISO27001:2021 - A New Way of Working

It has been a long time coming! The upgrade to the international standard for information security management systems, ISO27001:2013, is here (almost). Hallelujah! If you’re reading this article, then there’s a reasonable assumption that you know what ISO27001 is and you’re not going to be too worried about the back story. But let’s all be clear on a couple of points. The current version of the Information Security Management Standard is ISO27001:2013.

Kubernetes Incident Response: Building Your Strategy

Kubernetes is the popular container orchestration platform developed by Google to manage large-scale containerized applications. Kubernetes manages microservices applications over a distributed cluster of nodes. It is very resilient and supports scaling, rollback, zero downtime, and self-healing containers. The primary aim of Kubernetes is to mask the complexity of overseeing a large fleet of containers.

6 Things Cyber Insurers Are Looking for in Cyberattack Claim Applications

The modern digital environment is more risky than ever before, and the incidence of cyberattacks only increased throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In this day and age, even the most robust security systems may still be penetrated or breached by a sophisticated cyber-attack. This means companies can no longer afford to be complacent about security.

Tips for Defending Against Adversarial Actions Regardless of Their Origin

When an unfortunate event occurs, people tend to be curious about who was responsible for the event. It can be interesting and helpful to know who your enemy is and what their motives might be. But in cybersecurity, the primary focus is ultimately on preventative and detective measures to avoid similar issues. Let’s use a recent example to illustrate this point below.