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A Bank SMS Text Phish Attempt

Phishing attempts over text messages are becoming more prevalent. I received an SMS text message that contained a phishing attempt for a Canadian Bank. The message implied that I have received a new notification with this bank and I should visit the provided link. I usually do not click on any links, but I decided to see what would happen when I navigated to the page.

Australia Leads with Controversial Cyber Laws

The Australian government is looking to pass the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020, an overhaul which is aimed to help Australian businesses fend off cyberattacks. The Bill expands the business sectors that were previously defined as critical infrastructure by adding, amongst others, Food and Grocery, Finance and Banking, Universities, Communications, Defense, Energy, and Transportation to the list.

The Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Myth or Reality?

Take a glance on social media on any given day, and we’ll hear from commentators stating how there is a (cyber) skills gap and that it must be addressed if we are to meet the challenges we are all increasingly facing. Let’s be clear about something before we continue. If we are saying that there is a skills gap, then there are organizations out there that are ready to hire cybersecurity professionals now.

CIS Control 14: Security Awareness and Skill Training

Users who do not have the appropriate security awareness training are considered a weak link in the security of an enterprise. These untrained users are easier to exploit than finding a flaw or vulnerability in the equipment that an enterprise uses to secure its network. Attackers could convince unsuspecting users into unintentionally providing access to the enterprise network or exposing sensitive information.

Removing the Fantasy of Cybersecurity Metrics with Tripwire Connect

One of the most daunting problems in cybersecurity has always been security metrics. In business, practically nothing matters in the absence of the ability to measure actionable results. Profit and loss are the drivers of all businesses. Even non-profit based businesses use metrics to plot their mission and meet their goals.

Tripwire Industrial Edge - The New Method of Visibility for Industrial Networks

When was the last time you thought about all of the devices running on your network? Think of your home network and how deceptively simple it appears. A full inventory of that network would probably surprise you, as it would show all of the devices that you may have forgotten about as well as a few of the neighbor’s devices that are piggy-backing off of your Wi-Fi. This visibility is often shocking to many people.

The New "Attack Surface" - Securing the Business Beyond Conventional Boundaries

In 2020, just under half the UK workforce worked from home at least some of the time, according to the Office of National Statistics. In the United States, a survey by Upwork found that over a quarter of professionals expect to work fully remotely within the next five years. Working from home has been propelled into the mainstream by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the resulting lockdowns and restrictions on traveling to work.

FluBot malware warning after 70,000 attacks launched over SMS

Finland’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-FI) has issued a warning about malicious SMS messages that have been spammed out to mobile users, directing iPhone owners to phishing sites and Android users to download malware. The messages are written in Finnish but without the customary accented characters. In some instances, the messages pose as a notification that the user has received a voicemail message, or a communication from their mobile network provider.