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The Evolving Threat of Ransomware

Currently, ransomware is the most prominent cyber threat to businesses and individuals. Ransomware attacks are growing more prevalent as cybercriminals find new ways to profit from them. According to CyberEdge’s 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report, 62% of organizations were victimized by ransomware in 2019—up from 56% in 2018 and 55% in 2017. This rise is arguably fueled by the dramatic increase in ransomware payments.

The UK pushes for better supply chain cybersecurity

If the UK Government gets its way, IT service vendors and other cloud-based service providers may soon be required to adopt new measures to strengthen their cybersecurity, amid rising concerns about supply chain risks. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has floated plans to make mandatory compliance with the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Assessment Framework, which provides guidance for organisations responsible for vitally important services and activities.

Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas: An Overview

The growing value of business data, the vulnerability of networked systems, and the importance of fuel infrastructure have made oil and gas companies major targets for malicious hackers. Already, the industry has been the victim of several high-profile attacks. The Colonial Pipeline hack compromised the business’s networks, shut down its operations, and deprived the East Coast of a pipeline that supplies nearly half the region’s fuel.

Remote Work and Cybersecurity in the Legal Industry: What to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic changed many aspects of how businesses operate, remote work being one of the most significant. At the outbreak’s peak, 71% of American workers telecommuted at least part-time, 62% of whom rarely worked remotely before. This shift has impacted many industries, but the legal sector faces more disruption than most. Legal work rarely happened over telecommunication services before the COVID-19 pandemic.

As ransomware attacks rise, US government advice to protect K-12 schools is "vastly outdated"

A recently published report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) has warned that official security guidance from the Department of Education is out-of-date, and needs to be refreshed to address the increasing reports of ransomware and other cyber threats.

How Achieving Compliance with PCI DSS Can Help Meet GDPR Mandates

Data security and privacy are today a prime focus for most organizations globally. While there have been several regulations and standards introduced to improve data security, the evolving landscape makes it challenging for organizations to stay compliant. For many organizations, GDPR and PCI DSS are the first topics that come to mind when privacy is concerned.

Recommendations for Fulfilling the Potentials of Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance has great potentials in improving cybersecurity practices and protecting organizations against the impact of security incidents, but these potentials “have yet to fully materialize.” This is the key highlight of a recent report developed by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) and the University of Kent in the UK. The report provides a comprehensive list of recommendations for both governments and organizations.

Invest in Cyber Awareness to Prevent Attacks

Today’s cyber threat landscape is extremely challenging. Ransom this, ransom that, ransom everywhere – information technology (IT) professionals must work to protect organizations against the next big ransomware attack. Over the years, the sophistication of ransomware attacks has increased as well as the amount of money demanded and paid out in exchange for the ransom-held information.

99% of Federal Security Pros Feel the U.S. Government Must Do More to Protect Its Data and Systems

As you’ll recall, the White House published an Executive Order (EO) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity back in May 2021. The EO issued several commands such as creating a Cyber Safety Review Board to lead post-incident analysis of significant security events and requiring software developers to make data about their solutions publicly known.