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Defense and Development: Key points from The Complete Guide to Application Security for PCI-DSS

The increasing popularity of online payment systems results from the world’s gradual transition to a cashless and contactless digital economy — an economy, projected in a recent Huawei white paper, to be worth $23 trillion by 2025.

Everything You Need to Know About CI/CD and Security

CI/CD is a recommended technique for DevOps teams and a best practice in agile methodology. CI/CD is a method for consistently delivering apps to clients by automating the app development phases. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment are the key concepts. CI/CD adds continuous automation and monitoring throughout the whole application lifetime, from the integration and testing phases to delivery and deployment.

Key Points from the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

The volume and impact of data breaches have accelerated largely in 2022, which has contributed to many adverse effects for businesses. Tc highlights several updated factors that have generated great costs across 17 countries and regions, and 17 industries.he report has included new related areas of analysis such as.

How to Prevent High Risk Authentication Coercion Vulnerabilities

Most of us already know the basic principle of authentication, which, in its simplest form, helps us to identify and verify a user, process, or account. In an Active Directory environment, this is commonly done through the use of an NTLM hash. When a user wants to access a network resource, such as a file share, their password is hashed and sent over a cryptographically secure channel to the resource.

LastPass attackers steal source code, no evidence users' passwords compromised

LastPass, the popular password manager used by millions of people around the world, has announced that it suffered a security breach two weeks ago that saw attackers break into its systems and steal information. But don’t panic just yet – that doesn’t mean that all of your passwords are now in the hands of internet criminals.

Top tips for securing board-level buy-in for cybersecurity awareness campaigns

With Cyber Security Awareness month fast approaching, information security professionals and data protection managers will be looking at how to secure board-level buy-in for company-wide cybersecurity awareness campaigns. Often, this is the biggest hurdle for any cyber awareness campaign as senior leadership weighs the costs and benefits of investing in the security of their business. Today we will be looking at some top tips for changing the tide on board-level buy-in.

Why Does Medical Imaging Equipment Need Better Cybersecurity?

Medical imaging cybersecurity needs to evolve to meet today’s security threats. Cyberthreats specifically targeting health care institutions have increased over recent years. More data is also at risk since patients have begun widely using telemedicine services. In addition to the risk of information theft, there is a very serious risk to patients, including the potential for physical harm due to compromised medical imaging equipment.

5 Things We Learned from The Definitive Guide to Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

In the context of hybrid work, the threat of data loss is rampant. Cybersecurity systems that were once designed to operate within the confines of a network perimeter have become obsolete, with employees using various devices, networks, and applications to get their work done. As such, it’s easier than ever for companies to be vulnerable to the loss of sensitive data. So, what’s the solution? Recently, Digital Guardian published The Definitive Guide to DLP: 2021 Hybrid Work Edition.

Privacy in Q2 2022: US, Canada, and the UK

The second quarter of 2022 offered plenty of positing on privacy, both in the U.S. and internationally. In the U.S., we saw the addition of another state privacy law, and a spark of hope in privacy professionals’ eyes with the introduction of tangible federal legislation. Plus, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is positioned to act on rulemaking like never before.

Black Hat USA 2022: Key Highlights

Arriving at the keynote hall for Black Hat 2022, I was immediately struck by the size of the crowd – after the seemingly endless pandemic hiatus, the cyber industry had come out in force. The mood was one of enthusiasm, and the entire place reverberated with the vibrancy of reunion. It was a great event for the industry – and for HelpSystems – and a few things stuck out.