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Cyber Threats - The New Norm in Data Security

These are some of the opening words in the new survey published by ISMG and HelpSystems in the ‘Data Security Survey 2022’. The survey explores how COVID19 has permanently changed how CISOs approach Data Security. It is an important study because it recognises that in a world which is in a rush to return to ‘normal’ (whatever normal is now), change has come, and we need to respond to it.

Application Security Report 2022: Key Trends and Challenges

At a time when the state of cybersecurity is constantly changing, with new and increasing threats arising each day, it is vital for all organizations to keep it near the top of their list of priorities. Business applications are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals, and their ability to protect and defend themselves against these attacks is a crucial part of their operations.

Weak Cybersecurity is taking a toll on Small Businesses

Life among America’s nearly 32 million small businesses has never been easy. According to the Small Business Administration, about 20% of small business startups fail in their first year and half succumb to failure within five years. Bigger businesses have always had more capital, better access to loans, and more staying power.

Top trends in Application Security in 2022

The rising number of cyber attacks against software applications has emphasized how security must serve as an important factor in software development. More than the traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) procedures, now security-integrated development lifecycles are being widely adapted. These aren’t the typical security assessments that are performed at the very end of development of the application, but embedded throughout the lifecycle.

Aviation Safety and Cybersecurity: Learning from Incidents

The aviation safety sector is the study and practice of managing aviation risks. It is a solid concentration of regulations, legal documents, investigations of accidents and near-miss aviation incidents. On top of them lie lessons learned and shared knowledge; reports, facts and stats forming a cognitive super vitamin, that the aviation community uses to keep their business healthy and safe.

Auto Industry at Higher Risk of Cyberattacks in 2023

Cyberattacks are an increasingly common occurrence for a spectrum of industries. Rising cybercrime affects everyone, but certain sectors are more at risk than others. In 2023, the auto industry could face particularly significant dangers. Attacks in the automotive space can impact automakers, automotive fleets, and consumers alike. Reducing these risks will be crucial as more cybercriminals seek to capitalize on the sector’s vulnerabilities.

Exploring ESG Through a GRC Lens

Oftentimes, three-letter acronyms trend and become buzzwords. At other times, they act as catalysts by influencing the business environment in which an organization operates. Such acronyms include CSR (corporate social responsibility), GRC (governance, risk, and compliance), and the most recent one, ESG (environmental, social, and governance). These are important business concepts that drive investment considerations and organizations’ cybersecurity commitments to customers.

Email Fraud in 2022: What you Need to Know

With how much of our personal and professional lives take place online, it becomes more important each day for us to understand our vulnerability to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals target emails, domains, and accounts in order to impersonate identities and scam consumers and businesses alike. In 2021 alone, email spoofing and phishing increased by 220% and caused $44 million in losses. It is crucial to employ defenses to protect against these attacks.

Malware on IBM Power Systems: What You Need to Know

Malware can come from and in a variety of attack vectors. Besides using ‘traditional’ methods of spreading malware, adversaries can leverage more sophisticated methods to turn your Power System into a ‘malware host’. The key target is your data. Data is valuable, and organisations have paid at least $602 million to ransomware gangs in 2021.

$10 million reward offered for information on foreign government-linked malicious hackers

A $10 million reward is being offered for information leading to the identification or location of malicious hackers working with North Korea to launch cyber attacks on US critical infrastructure. The offer comes from the US State Department which is understandably eager to disrupt the activities of hacking gangs linked to foreign governments who may have engaged in espionage, cryptocurrency theft, and other malicious activities.