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Major Database Security Threats & How You Can Prevent Them

Organizations and businesses must use a range of measures, protocols, and tools to protect their databases from cybercriminals. If breached, malicious actors can gain access to sensitive information that they can use for financial gain. Security teams must adapt and constantly improve to protect against ever-evolving security threats, and maintain the integrity of a database. This article will discuss the major database security threats, and how you can prevent them.

Overheard at the SANS Security Awareness Summit 2022

People have become the primary attack vector for cyber attackers around the world. As the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report 2022 indicates, it is humans rather than technology that now represent the greatest risk to organizations. According to the SANS 2022 Security Awareness Report, the top three security risks that security professionals are concerned about are phishing, business email compromise (BEC) and ransomware, all closely related to human behavior.

Defense in Depth: 4 Essential Layers of ICS Security

It is always said that security is never a one-size-fits-all solution. This is true not only because of the apparent infinite varieties of equipment in each individual organization, but also, and perhaps more importantly, the different ways that every organization views security. Some spend lots of time focusing on physical security, especially those with industrial control systems (ICS). Others are small organizations, where the primary concern is personal data theft.

What Are Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs)? A Comprehensive Guide

Modern enterprises will have to work with customer data in one way or another. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that the only businesses that would survive the future were those willing to embrace technology. While technologies such as the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence have undeniable benefits, they have also presented complications. Managing your customers’ or site visitors’ data is a lot like having intimate access to their homes.

A Traveller's Guide to Staying Cyber safe

With the massive increase in mobile device sales worldwide, it is easy to imagine that the number of people using the internet while travelling has also increased significantly in recent years. With this growth in online activity comes a greater risk of becoming a victim of cybercrime. There are a number of steps that travellers can take to protect themselves from becoming targets of cybercrime. Here are 10 tips for staying cyber safe while travelling.

Top Phishing and Social Media Threats: Key Findings from the Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report

In today’s online landscape, it is crucial for organizations to stay on top of the threats that put their enterprises at risk. Agari and PhishLabs have put together their Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report detailing their analysis of phishing and social media attacks this quarter. The report presents statistics regarding the volume of attacks, the tactics used by cybercriminals, and the main targets of these attacks, documenting the changes since last quarter.

FBI warns of criminals attacking healthcare payment processors

Millions of dollars have been stolen from healthcare companies after fraudsters gained access to customer accounts and redirected payments. In a newly-published advisory directed at the healthcare payment industry, the FBI warns that cybercriminals are using a cocktail of publicly-available Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and social engineering techniques to impersonate victims and obtain access to files, healthcare portals, payment information, and websites.

Strong Authentication Considerations for Digital, Cloud-First Businesses

Authentication as a baseline security control is essential for organizations to know who and what is accessing corporate resources and assets. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) states that authentication is the process of verifying that a user’s identity is genuine.

Cybersecurity Threats to the US Water Industry

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity is a significant – and relevant – threat to individuals and companies alike. Cybercriminals are constantly devising new ways to steal information for personal gain through exploitation or ransom demands. It’s become unfortunately commonplace to hear tales of drained checking accounts, leaked photos, and private documents being published to the masses.

The ClubCISO report reveals a fundamental shift in security culture

With business and technology becoming increasingly intertwined, organizations are being forced to rethink how they look at digital security. Once overlooked or viewed as a mere afterthought, today it has become a business-critical necessity. As a result, organizations across industry lines are racing to improve their security postures.