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CISA orders federal agencies to catalog their networks, and scan for bugs

You always want to know what is attached to your network. And whether it could be vulnerable or not. In any organisation it’s normal for different devices, on- or off-prem, wired or wireless, to be constantly added or removed – and this can present an opportunity for malicious hackers to take advantage of improperly secured systems. In many cases, organizations have no idea about how many assets they have, let alone where they are all located.

What to Know about APIs, the "On-Ramps to the Digital World"

An application programming interface, or API, is a defined process that allows data to be shared between applications or programs. Each API consists of a set of rules that dictates how communication occurs between a client and a server or external program. The required request format, the authentication process, and the encryption of data all have set guidelines so that the API knows what information to share and when and how to share it.

See Yourself in Cyber: 4 Steps to Stay Safe

As threats to technology and private information become more frequent, the President of the United States and Congress have proclaimed October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This initiative aims to assist people in protecting themselves online. Government and business are working together to increase cybersecurity awareness on a national and worldwide level under the direction of the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Foundational Activities for Secure Software Development

The Broadway Tower in Worcestershire, England is a famous structure. It’s inspiring, beautiful, and at 62 feet high, like other similar buildings, it’s a folly. While it looks grand inside and out, it serves no purpose than to be a decoration. It’s all too easy to buy a set of policies and procedures, change the company name and some other details, then present it as an application development and security program.

UK Construction: Cybersecurity Experts Defend Joint Ventures

After years of falling behind, the construction industry has realised the importance of its data. Construction-related businesses invested a remarkable 188% more in cybersecurity in 2018–19. Data leaks and cyberattacks have jolted sectors worldwide, affecting everyone. 55% of UK businesses experienced a cyberattack in 2019 alone, and the average damage resulting from breaches is £176,000.

IT admin admits sabotaging ex-employer's network in bid for higher salary

A 40-year-old man could face up to 10 years in prison, after admitting in a US District Court to sabotaging his former employer’s computer systems. Casey K Umetsu, of Honolulu, Hawaii, has pleaded guilty to charges that he deliberately misdirected a financial company’s email traffic and prevented customers from reaching its website in a failed attempt to convince the firm to rehire him at a greater salary.

How Can Cybersecurity Professionals Account for Vulnerabilities in Fleet Data?

Fleet operations today revolve around data. Telematics systems, connected cars, and similar IoT systems provide fleet managers with a wealth of information, but this connectivity also raises security concerns. As data breach costs reach their highest point in decades, accounting for vulnerabilities in organizations’ data becomes increasingly crucial. Data-rich and notoriously difficult-to-secure fleets are no exception.

Your Guide to the Latest Email Fraud and Identity Deception Trends

There’s a high chance that you or someone you know has been impacted by email fraud or identity theft. At the very least, you’ve likely received a variety of spam emails and text messages asking to provide a payment or confirm your identity. The good news is that cybersecurity protection is constantly evolving and improving, with cybersecurity education programs preparing skilled professionals to enter the front lines against cybercrime.

Quantifying the Social Impact of Ransomware and ESG Disclosure Implication

2022 began with successful ransomware attacks against global IT and digital transformation providers, no thanks to the notorious LAPSUS$ ransomware gang. Often, any discussion about ransomware impact has mostly centered on affected organizations. Rightly so, as victimized organizations usually suffer significant disruption to their operations. In 2021, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation received 3,729 complaints identified as ransomware.

The State of Cybersecurity has improved but is hardly flawless

For the record, it should be acknowledged from the start that there is no question that the cybersecurity landscape has improved over time, mostly courtesy of persistent increases in cyber spending year after year. Gartner estimates that the U.S. and the rest of the world will invest $172 billion in cybersecurity this year, up from $150 billion last year, and continue to rise steadily thereafter.